Chapter 11

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"Uhh yes Ms. Sana?" I ask and put both of my hands in my pocket. We're currently in Sana's mansion and gosh it's big.

"Head in my room."

"Y-Your what?"

"My room." She said a little irritated and cold while she call on of her maids and head me inside her room.

"Sorry about that Ms. Y/N." The maid apologize while I shook my head then chuckle.

"Don't worry about that and don't call me Ms, thank you by the way for leading me here." I replied to the maid and received a polite bow.

She then left the room leaving me alone at Sana's room. Her room smell so good, it's like my mom's favorite scent and I never doubt that I don't like her scent.

I explore her room and it's so beautiful as fuck, one picture attract me not until I heard someone call my name.

It's Sana.

"Ms. Sana, why did you brought me here?" I ask before she allowed me to sit on her bed.

She then slowly approach me and sit beside me.


"Yes, Ms. Sana?" I ask and wonder her room while she's clinging onto my arm like a koala.

"Do you have someone in mind lately?" She ask out of blue while I shook my head and look at her.

"No, I don't have someone in mind lately Ms. Sana." I replied while I hear her whine and feel her pout at my shoulder.

I look at the picture that attract my attention earlier, I decided to ask who are the people in the picture.

"If you're wondering who are they, they're my parents." She said while she slowly release her grip on my arm.

"They'll be here next week." She added making me shook my head.


"You're gonna be their assistant, Y/N."

"I- Wha- How about you? What are you going to do when they come back here?" I ask questions filled in my head.

I completely don't have a good moments with Sana, really.

"Date Mark."

"What? No way." I ask disbelief. While she look at me and sighed.

"Yeah I know, but my parents wants me to be with him." She said while she sighed.

Am I going to be happy because she don't want to be with Mark? Or be frustrated because her parents are pushing her to date Mark? What's gonna be an answer??

There was a silence between us and it's getting awkward. My brain suddenly thought of a stupid idea.

"Sana.." That is the time I finally called her Sana without a 'Ms' with it. She seems shock yet satisfied.

She respond with a joyful hum.

"I heard that, you're still a virgin." I replied and trying myself not to laugh. Since it's Monday today, I'm going to make some good moments with her.

"I- Wha- Yahh Lee Y/N!!" She grabs a pillow and throw it on me making me laugh on how frustrated she is.

"Am I right??" I teased making her hit me with the pillow continuously.

I block myself and continue to laugh. A minute had pass she then stop hitting me with a pillow since she's tired of hitting me.

I'm still sitting on her bed and she's kneeling on her bed facing me since she's hitting me with a pillow earlier.

"Sana-ssi, if Mark is your first kiss, let me be your first time then." I wiggle my eyebrows only to see her shook her head and blush a little. I laugh on how cute she is.

"Yahh Y/N-" When she was about to hit me with a pillow again she then feel something crack on her body and fell on me.

We both fell on the floor with our faces inches away, just like when I first met her.

Her scent is so addictive that I don't want to get away to it. Her body press against mine is so soft yet huggable.

When I was looking at her lips I went up to meet her eyes but only to see that she's staring on my lips.

One grind coming from Sana can make a tent in my pants, the cum in there is now dry and I still haven't change. Fuck that.

I saw her blush at the contact and quickly get off me. I suddenly felt my heart, beats faster than my normal heartbeat.

I hope she won't hear it.

I heard her mumble saying ;"Gosh if she's my girlfriend I would have crash my lips to hers."

My stupid ass, once again have a stupid thought in mind. Since she's still laying on the floor beside me. I smirk and make myself on top of her with both of my hands beside her arms.

Her reaction to this make me feel soft yet make me laugh, she just stayed still and her cheeks get more red and red.

"Why won't you make me your girlfriend?" After asking that question she punch me on my chest and it fucking hurts.

I rub it softly with my left hand and I'm still on top of her because my right hand is supporting my balance. She concernedly replace my hand with her soft hand and place it on my chest.

In this one scenario, we can make thousands of moments.

I felt that when she place her hands on my chest, she'll pull me and we'll both meet each other's lips with soft yet passionate one.

But as for now, I don't know what she's feelings to me neither am I but of course I'm still her assistant and she's still my boss.

After few rubs, I gently place my body on top of hers and slowly wrap my arms around her waist, hugging her.

I felt her smile to our contact and of course same as mine. We could feel each other's warm, and it feels so good in her arms.


"Yes Y/N?"

"Do you have someone in mind lately?"


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