Chapter 30

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Dead. When you saw Mr. Minatozaki on the floor, you were shock and drop the gun your holding. You swear, you didn't kill him and heck you didn't.

You heard a shaky sigh and a gun also being dropped. You look at the back, you saw Mark, his face were terrified yet he regretted doing it. He aim right onto the chest. Mina's guards immediately take an aid and called an ambulance fast.

You saw Mark on the corner, rethinking things while you untie your mother and Sana. Your girlfriend greeted you with a warm hug, you give her warmth too and shared it to your mom once you let her join the now group hug.

6:00 pm. Sana and the rest went home, you were left with your boys. Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai.

"Should I put up a case on you?" Your voice a bit shaky, you didn't dared to look at him. You just looked at the sun setting.

"Y/N, please don't."

"He was gonna tell you about it."

"Gonna tell me? Talking behind my back? And this? No, I just can't." You sighed and put your hands in your pockets, trying to control your mix emotions. Is it worth it to get Taehyun arrested and give justice to you father? Or not because you'll feel guilty putting up a case on him?


"Did you personally did that in purpose? What was the fucking reason." You're clenching your hand into a fist in your pocket, feeling anger running in your body that soon you'll felt numb. Tears start to build up in your eyes, it's just fucking unfair.

"He handed us money, if I kill your dad, that worth thousand prize, he'll give it to me."

"For that reason to kill my dad?"

"Y/N we need mon-" You punch him right through the face, "You exchange my father's life because of that money? How stupid are you?!" You were about to punch him again when Soobin pull you away from Taehyun. His lips were bleeding, and had a bruise on the side of his lip.

"We needed money Y/N, we're just poor before!"

"You should have told me about it!" When you're trying to get away on Soobin's grip, you didn't succeed. He was getting tired of you moving around. "You should have told me Kang Taehyun. Fucking had told me!" You lost grip on Soobins', you were about to run on and punch Taehyun when Beomgyu pushes you. You fell and your back land on the dirty floor.

"Are you crazy? You're trying to kill your friend."

"Yes, I'm FUCKING CRAZY!!" You get up and try attack now Beomgyu and Yeonjun tackle you and held you down. "Can you please stop? Fighting wouldn't fix this."

"Oh, so if talking and forgiving about someone's sin will bring my dad back, huh?"


"Settle down kids." Nayeon clap her hands and pull you ear, Soobin's, Yeonjun's and the rest. "What are you all fighting about?"

"My dad's death, bitch."

"Oi, are you Jungcock?"

"Cock?" You ask V and frowned while Nayeon pulled your other ear. "Ouch!" It was a harsh one pull, you heard chuckle and giggles on your boy friends.

You glared at them and scoff earning a flick on your forehead, "What the heck?" Your nose was now pulled by Nayeon. "Kid, no cursing."

"I'm fuck- I'm 21." You smiled sarcastically, don't want to havs you face beaten up little by little.

"She said fuck."

"What? I didn't!" You were saying the truth you didn't yet Taehyun was teasing you, Nayeon both pull your ear making you yell in pain. "KANG TAEHYUN!!"

"Easy Ms. Im." V reminded Nayeon while she smile, "Don't worry." She saw you and the boys laughing at something she didn't recignize that 6 of you were now talking about something random.

Nayeon patted your shoulder, you look up and you soon protected yourself. "Bitch, I'm not gonna hurt ya. You see, forgive him on something that someone threaten him. He had a reason and you know he don't have intention hatimg him. And if arresting him do you think you dad will be happy in heaven? No, right?"

"So your saying, fogive but not forget?"

"Kind of, but won't included that topic. and don't put up a case on him?" Nayeon ask a bit worried what will you reply. You look at her. Little did you know, Taehyun favored Nayeon to ask you to not put uo a case on him, not that he admitted he really want to kill your father, instead he wants you to understand (deeply understand him) that every effect has a reason.

"I'll think of it."


2 months later.

Your infront of a cafe with Sunoo beside you, always waiting for his bestfriend, Ni-ki. You were sharing a cup of ice cream with Sunoo and if you had a chance, you try to feed him and he cutely opened his mouth and eat. You were both giggling and then Sana arrives with a expresso and ice coffee.

She then sits beside Sunoo who is now between you and Sana. Sana then gave you the expresso you like and you gladly accepted it. "Thank you babe," You gave her a peck while you felt Sunoo smile. "V hyung hated you two kissing, but I wuv itt!" He claps, his little hands meeting each other and an eye smile appeared on his face. Both of you smiled while Sana stole you a kiss on a cheek.

You were drinking your expresso when Sunoo came up a topic; "Sana noona, will you and Y/N hyung/noona want to have a baby? Pwease do!" You were choke on your coffee, a baby??

You looked at Sana and saw her shock and afterwards smiled and brush Sunoo's hair, "How many do you want?"

"Hmmm, two! One for me and one for Ni-Ki!" Sunoo giggle and show Sana a two number on his fingers. Sana made an 'o' and look at you. "I guess we better get workin on it." Sana winked which made you blush and trying not to be turned on how she winked.

Sana giggle on how you react, you trying yourself to stay calm when you notice a boy approach the bench three of you were sitting. "Hi, you okay budd?" The boy looked up and ask in Japanese; "Do you perhaps know a kid name, Sunoo?" You didn't get what he said but you only know 'Sunoo' 'cause he mentioned it.

Sana who overheared your conversation with him, looked at the boy and ask, "Why are you looking for him?" The boy smiled and approached her. "He's my bestfriend. Kim Sunoo, ma'am."

"And what's your name?"


"Ni-ki!!" Sunoo greeted him with a warm yet bear hug.


I advance for some errors since my whole phone's screen is cracked af. But, a smut chapter coming soon?

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