Chapter 17

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I republished this part and edit it, thank u for the the reader to notice.



3 down, 4 days to go.

Why am I counting days when I'll be spending my time with Nayeon?

I mean, I don't know the heck why did I said to V that I like her, I'm so stupid.

Heading to the company, I bowed to all the people who's working and proceed heading to Sana's office. Reaching the front door, I slowly open it and saw Sana, working something on her laptop, I smiled on how hard working the daughter of Minatozaki is.

I then proceed walking on my desk, put my bag aside and start my work. Checking some schedules, she has 2 meetings from to day. Mr. Kim and Ms. Park.

"Sana?" I called out her name while she look at me, her eyes are a bit puffy and she keeps sniffing. I furrowed my brows.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Am I that stupid? Or course she's not. She replied by nodding her head. "What do you need, Ms. Lee?" Her voice is a bit cold, I frown. What's wrong?

"You have two meetings today. You'll meet Mr. Kim after lunch and Ms. Park at 4:30 pm." She nodded her head after proceed working. I sighed and continue working as well.


"What's up?" Chae greeted me after I took some creamy coffee from the company. I don't know what's up to me, I mean, my friend betrayed me, my mom is in the hospital, Sana loves me and I like Nayeon. It's mess up as fuck.

Not answering her question, something caught on Chae's sight. "Oh, Mr. Kim is here." She said while I look at her direction where she's looking at. I slowly take approach the person who's Sana is meeting. "May I help you with something, miss?" I ask politely while I took a sip on my coffee, he look at me and smile brightly.

"Are you perhaps, Lee Y/N? Sana's assistant?" He ask while I nodded. "Can you lead me in her meeting room?" I nodded and signed him to follow me. Reaching the hallway, I was half to finish the coffee before we head onto Sana's meeting room.

Seeing the front door, I signed her to come in and saw Sana, sitting there looking at me coldly.

"Thank you Y/N."

"What are you doing here, Jin" Sana blurted out while the Mr. Kim named Jin shook his head then chuckles. "Can you leave as for a moment, Y/N?" He politely ask while I nodded and slowly leave the room.

I then head onto the office and check if no one is sleeping. They all didn't sleep except someone call my name, Mark.

"Hey Y/N!" He once again called while I click my tongue and headed on where his table is. "Give this to Sana, she ask me to do a presentation about our company." He said and hand me a USB while I shake my head. "She's with a meeting with Mr. Kim." I replied while he look at me, confused yet curious.

"What Kim?"

"I don't his full name but Sana called him Jin." I replied while he scoff and look at me. "You mean her ex." He said while I'm here, disbelief. Damn, Sana had two exes? Or maybe more??

"But don't worry, she'll be mine." He threatened at me while I look at him, irritated. "No way, she doesn't even like you nor love you."

"But her parents want me to be with her, I mean, her parents are in charge for her decisions." He replied while a giggle escape onto his fucking naughty lips.

I hate the fact her parents make decisions, I don't even know that but, she's old enough to decide.

"I bet, Jin and Sana are making out." He said while I once again look at him disbelief.

What the actual fuck?

"Give her the USB okay?"


After the meeting with Jin, I and Sana are now in her office. I'm preparing for Ms. Park's meeting with Sana, since she said she needs me about assisting her.

Remembering Mark about the presentation he prepared, I stand up on my sit making the chair make a noise in the room, completely getting Sana's attention.

"Yes Ms. Lee?" She one again, called out my full name coldly while I sighed. Why does something in my heart sting when she called me coldly?

"Mark did a presentation about the company Ms. Sana, here's the USB." I approach her and give her the USB Mark gave me. Her visuals are killing me, her brown eyes looking at her laptop when she plug the USB in. The way her lips are formed, her jaw line, her pointed nose is making my throat went dry.

Maybe V is right, I should date her immediately.

"Don't look at me like that, Y/N." I felt butterflies explode when she called my name, I try my best not to show my smile and then I successfully did.

I didn't reply and continue admiring her, I went onto her eyes through her lips and down onto her neck. I then notice something red and blink a few times to see it clearly.

Is that a hickey?

My curiosity are killing me. I cleared my throat making Sana look at me. "Is that a hickey on your neck, Sana?" I ask, acting like I'm scolding my girlfriend for cheating on me. What? Cheating?

When I finished my sentence, she quickly hide it with the collar of her shirt. Is that really a hickey?

I ask myself, disbelief yet heartbroken.

I stormed out in the room, tears forming onto my eyes. Why do I even fucking care?

I even said that I don't love her, I'm so stupid! So stupid!!

I find my way heading out in the company with tears running down onto my cheeks. I can't believe it.

I thought of my mom and came by to see her, she'll be shock because I usually see her around 9 pm but I came home 3 pm. I then go get a taxi and head onto the hospital.

When I was running out in the company, I felt somebody is following me. I thought of Sana is following me so I run fastly as her until I get a taxi and head onto the hospital.

Entering the building, I went onto my mom's room and see her sleeping peacefully while I look beside her, Nayeon on her earphones and listening to some music.

I smiled when she make those little movements when she's dancing, she then notice my presence and I quickly hug her. Tears roam down on to my cheek that is now lead onto Nayeon's shoulder

She remove her earphones on her ears and checked me. "What happened?" She ask, worriedly while cupping my cheeks, I lift up my head and look at her. Our faces are inches away, I felt something tempting on how close our faces are.

I hold her chin, tilt my head then I kiss her passionately.


Sorry for the confusion. *bows*

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