Chapter 9

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"Kang Taehyun, the one who saw you both kissing at prom night?, am I right?"

That Taehyun, I know I had a relation with him!

"Just like earlier, Mark was about to kiss you but he stop since I opened the door, just like what happened to Taehyun's but different scenario" Y/n explain and then finish drinking her coffee and toss it on the trash can

"Is that why you call me here?, I know I'm not your first kiss, Mark was" she said spilling truth facts about us

"Now if I want to resign, may I?" she added making me shook my head and stand up on my feet not agreeing what's her decision

"Yahh are you being serious?" I ask while she look at me with those cold eyes then nods

Is this what she feels when I said those words in front of her?, Jealousy, sadness and being depress?

"You can't Y/n, your mom wants you to find a job since she's the only one dealing the bills" Mark explained while looking at Y/n

But how come he still help me out in this situation when Y/n wants to resign?

We heard Y/n chuckle "I can find some other companies, the Kim's, Hirai's, Lim's, I know a lot of company names I can assign in, whether an assistant or a worker there" she explains while I heard my heart break into pieces

"Now want me to spill more tea about you two?" she ask while I look at her then she look back at me with a smirk form on her lips

"It's a dirty truth I should say, even Taehyun likes you.. Sana" she said making me shock what she have stated

"W-What?" I ask in disbelief while she nodded her head and said "You heard it right"

"Sadly you chose my now former friend here"


"I can't believe I had no one to trust to" I sigh exiting on the building

"Mark lied, Taehyun didn't even give a shit to tell me she like Sana" I said and groan in frustration while I mess my hair

Messing my hair I suddenly bump to someone "This day couldn't get more better" I mumble then pick up the papers that fall on the ground to help the person

"Here you- wait I know you" I said and look at him, trying to remember what's his name

"Hey your Mr. Ki-" I was punched on the face making me fall on the ground

"Fuck you yes I am" that Kim said while he kneel on top of me and start punching me on the face repeatedly

"How fucking dare you to kiss her you piece of shit!!" he said angrily while he continue to punch me

"M-Mr K-Kim" I was hurt and couldn't even said the words what I'm gonna say, he then stand up and then start kicking my stomach

Bruises all over me the next thing I knew I passed out


"Y/n you're awake!" I heard Yeonjun's / oppa Yeonjun's voice while I try to get out of bed but Yeonjun stop me

"You should take some rest, you have bruises all over you" He said while I heard a thunder came up

"Is it about to rain?" I ask while I slowly rub my eyes while he chuckle

"It's still raining, the rain poured hours ago" he said while I nodded and heard the door being opened, revealing Taehyun and Hyuka

"Hyuka, sorry about the w-way I think about you" I said my sorry while he approaches me and put his head on my shoulder, just like hugging me but I think he knows I have bruises all over me

"I-I already forgive you noona" he said while I feel my shoulder wet, is he crying?

I look at my left to see Yeonjun, his eyes become watery while I look at my right to see Taehyun, tears start falling on his cheek

"I-I couldn't protect you!" Taehyun said while he broke down in tears while me?, I'm trying my best not to cry because it will get worst when they see me crying

"I-It's fine" I said while I smile weakly, I sigh having problem thoughts on my head

I want to resign but mom needs some money to pay the bills but I'm hurting myself. Seeing Sana with Mark is even worse

I admit it that I have fallen for her but the truth keeps splashing all over, is just like a knife stabbing me, because it hurts hearing all the truths that is hidden.

And then Soobin and Beomgyu entered with a tray on top of it is a bowl of soup, they smile warmly at me while Yeonjun and Hyuka help me to sit

While Soobin slowly put the tray on my lap while I bow at him thanking him about the soup and of course Beomgyu as well

"We will leave you here along with Taehyun" Beomgyu said while the four of them leave leaving Taehyun, he slowly wipe his tears and took a chair and place it beside the bed

"What is this note?" I ask before taking a sip on my soup while Taehyun give it a glance but a bitter chuckle release on his lips

"From your boss"

"S-Sana?" I ask disbelief looking at the letter being sticked on the tray

"H-How come did s-she know about this?"

"She's the one who saw Mr. Kim beat you up" he explain while I get confused

"How come I didn't saw her?" I ask but he ignored my words and look at me seriously.

"Tell me Y/N, do you love Sana?"


There are the update, I promise I'll update some of my books just wait ok?

I feel a lil off these days.

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