Chapter 22

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"How come he's just a kid and knows what we're feeling?"

"Maybe, he knows what we're feeling." You replied and saw Sunoo, he stain his cheeks with his ice cream. He both look at you and V, dumbfounded and dont know what to do.

You grab a tissue and wipe the stain on Sunoo's cheek, he giggle and when he's about to clap his hands, V grab his ice cream, preventing from falling.

He's so cute.

"You both look cute together." You heard a familiar voice, is she gonna follow you anywhere?

"I'm sorry?" You ask, a bit offended onto the woman's compliment. You look up to her and met her gaze. You were trying to not be drown onto her brown orbs, beautiful built face and trying not ti admire every piece God has made to make her perfect.

You end up looking away, feeling butterflies when you admired her brown eyes that's addicting to admire.

"Who's this boy? Your son?" She ask and kneel down the same height as Sunoo's. "Excuse me, I have a di-"

"Dimple! Y/N has a dimple and no way we'll get a child 'cause Y/N has a di-"

"Dimple." You cute him off and laugh. V was the second one who knew you had a big bro with you, you've been with him for the past days, why not tell him?

"That's way far answer to my question."

"For your information, Ms. Minatozaki Sana, he just went by and sits beside me." You explained, "Oh, noona is crying and I went to her and wipe her tears-" You cover Sunoo's mouth, shock and gasping on how talkative he is.

Sana looked at you a bir worried yet confused why are you crying, "Is everything alright, Y/N?" She ask while you nodded your head without hesitating.

Before Sana could speak another word, her boyfriend came by and wrap his arm around her waist, "What are you two talking about, honey?" He ask while he kiss Sana's cheek, you felt a littke uncomfortable and look at V, he's feeling the same way.

"Uh, noona and hyung are not doing great, they are sad." Sunoo said and look at Jungkook and Sana with a pout. They haven't get in the car and drive somewhere far away instead, Sana came by and talk a bit to you.

"Oh honey, we can't do our business here."

"Jungkook stop." You heard Sana with an uncomfortable tone she said, you eye both of them, you saw Jungkook, harassing her, sexual harassing.

"Hey. Hey, stop it." You stood up and try to release Jungkook's grip on Sana but it's no use.

"Sana, you remember what your mom said? If you didn't date me and have family with me, you're assistant will die." You heard Jungkook mumble but didn't heard a single thing right. You try again release Jungkook's grip and he ungrips himself to Sana.

With Sana's action, you gasp and shock when you felt her hug you from behind and bury her face onto your back, don't want to face Jungkook.

"Honey, come home safe, alright?"

The scared Sana didn't reply, instead, she wrap her arms tight onto your waist and bury her face more onto your back, trying herself not to cry.

Jungkook saw the action and smirked, "Have fun honey." With that he leaves.


"What do you mean by staying at my place? My mom woukd think your my girlfriend, plus you're fucking taken, Sana." You replied, while driving onto your house with your mom. Sana's dad is paying you a lot, 'cause he saw your nice personality, and responsible one.

He wants you to be with Sana.

He once ask you if you would like to be with Sana but you refused, afraid of fallung in love.

Plus, your life is a bit chaos for now, you don't know the problem. Is it you or thw work you're applying.

"Please, just one night." She beg while you roll your eyes. The fact that you act cold to her doesn't mean your always like that. You miss her, she miss you too.

"Fine, I'll ask my mom." With that, you heard Sana squeal, her legs jumping in happiness while you try yourself not to smile nor giggle.

It's just cute to watch her.

"Hey! Let's go to a liquor shop and buy us soju!"

"Hey no drinking."

"Come on! Please?"

"Sana, no."

"Fine.." With that you heard her sulk, the tone on her voice is a bit sad. You sighed and go on a nearest liquor shop you know.

When Sana felt the car had stop, she look up and met with the liquor displayed in a glass. Her face lit up and look at you, she smiles and clap her hands.

"Thank you! Now, let's go buy our drinks!!!" With a blink of an eye, you look at her, seeing her now closing the car door while you sigh, not in a bad way but on how happy she is.

Even if drinking is bad.



Why did you buy 5 drinks of soju?"

"Be thankful it's only five, 'cause I said to the cashier, I'm the daughter of Minatozaki Inc. and boom, got five."

"That's kinda, okay fine."

You saw Sana started drinking, even if some spilled onto her shirt byt she didn't mind. You then arrived at your house, you look at Sana, fast asleep.

You sighed and go to the other side of the car, you open the car door and she almost fall but luckily you catch her. Thinking what kind of carry you'll carry her, she's just wearing a t-shirt and pants.

Is it okay in bridal? Or piggy back? Or a friendly one?

You ask yourself then sigh, a simple carry Sana, you can't even make a decision. With that, you grab a bag of soju and carry Sana, what way?

You wrap her arms around neck and wrap yours onto her waist, when you felt Sana move, she snuggle more close to your neck, feeling hot breaths keeping contact onto your skin.

You went in, not forgetting to lock the door, you called your mom but no answer heard.

You put the soju on the table in your living room and put the sleepy Sana on the couch.

You went to the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge door, saying that your mom left some food, re-heat it and she went onto Taehyun's mom since they want to hang out.

You open the fridge and saw a pizza, you thought to yourself Taehyun's mom and your mom must have eaten here before going out.

You grab a microwavable plate and set 4 pizzas, 2 each for you and Sana. You re-heat it and set it on timer.

You were washing your hands when you felt arms wrap around your body, you look behind and saw Sana, the drunk Sana.

"Sana, what are you-" She turn you around and pull your tie and kiss you with passion.

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