Chapter 4

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We head on a gas station since my bab- I mean Ms. Sana had to pee 

I look at the sky and seems it will start to rain anytime now 

I look where the lady's restroom are and look every person come out in there 

After some 5-10 people I finally saw Sana, she run more likely walk towards her car and went inside 

"Let's go it's about to rain!" She said terrified leaving me confused and just obey her orders 

We are not that far away from the gas station 

But the sound of the car starts to fade away, seems like we ran out of gas 

"We ran out of gas" I said while looking at the gas gauge 

"We're stuck here?, beside a forest?" she ask while I look around and nods

"Yeah we are Ms. Sa- AHHH WHAT THE FUCKK???!?!??!" I yelled in pain when Sana pinch my waist hardly

"I said don't call me that" she said then pouts "I said don't call me that" I imitate her and pout as well earning a giggle coming from her 

"Your cute!" she said and pinch my cheeks while I roll my eyes trying not to blush 

Then we heard the rain start pouring, Look at her and she seems scared and terrified

"Are you ok ms.- I mean Sana?" I said and about to touch her head when a loud thunder release she covered her ears with her fingers 

"You ok??" I said worried, went out of the car and go to her side  

I know I'm wet and I don't care about it 

I quickly went in again and lower her sit when I was busy doing to comfort her another thunder and a lighting came up making Sana hug me and bury her face on my neck

"Please don't leave me" she quietly said making my heart skip for a beat 

The Minatozaki Sana that everyone fall into is hugging me, burying her face on my neck 

I gulp clearly making her hear that and slowly hug her 

"Are you afraid of thunders Sana?" I ask while rubbing her back softly while she slowly nodded

I smile and hug her tightly, but not that tight to keep her safe on my arms 



I woke up and see the stars shining, I slowly rub my eyes and look to my right only to find out a campfire is being set

 A person look at my way and smile at me sweetly while she slowly approach me

"You must be awake Sana" Y/n said and open the door slowly 

"What are you doing??" I ask while she chuckle "Are you going to sleep on your car?, I set up a tent and a campfire to keep you relax this night" she said and smile while she lend me a hand while I slowly accept it and she slowly drag me out of the car 

"You can change in the tent with your comfortable clothes, I place our things in there so you don't have to ask me to get something in the car" she explain while she lead me on our tent, I look around and see one sleeping bag 

"Uhh where are you sleeping Y/n?" I went out in the tent and ask her "In your car" she said while putting more sticks on the fire 

Wow, she is a girlfriend material indeed, she knows how the future works, like really 

I sit on the log, I think she place on it and pouts at her "Yahh sleep with me" I look at her, still pouting 

She look back, we made eye contact and she giggles "Why are you that cute when I only know that your just sexy and hot?" she ask while I stand up and stomp my foot angrily while she thinks I stomp it cutely 

"Yahh, am I that sexy and hot?" I slowly approach her and put my hand on her chest 

I know it her weakness since we first met, I smirk at the sudden response she give me

A sweaty, gulping statement 

I slowly wrap my arms on her neck and pull her close to me "Aww my baby is nervous?, or being aroused?, I want to taste your juices baby boo~" 


Fuck my big bro is moving 

I gulp when she was about to kiss me 

Yeah I know I stole her first kiss, please fucking forgive me!!! 

"I miss your lips baby boo" she said while I slowly take a step backward

"Yahh! Yahh!, please forgive me taking your first kiss!! I'm sorry if your first kiss went that way!" I sincerely said to her while I earn a confused Sana infront of me

"You ok?" I ask while she look at me, still confused 

"How did you know you're my first kiss?" she ask while I'm shock at her response 

Do Mark know Sana?, how come he had that much information about her?

"Y/n?" Sana wave her hand infront of me 

Do I need to ask her?, What if my gut feeling is right?, What if-

"Y/n??" She ask once again in a concern tone making me back to reality 

"Uhh y-yes?" I ask while she look concerned at me

"Are you ok?, you seem in a deep thought, you can tell it to me" she said and smile sweetly to me and help me sit on the log I placed 

"No it's fine Sana" I said and still think of that thought 

Sana never told me she had an ex or something in a status before, she only ask about mine 

"May I ask you something?" I said and look at her while she frowns and just nods 

"What is it?" she ask while I slowly take a deep breath

"Do you have an ex?"

"Why did you ask?" 

"It just came up from my mind, you said I can tell you what is it" I said and look at her but she seems nervous 

"Yeah I do" she said and take a deep sigh 

"May I ask you another one?" I ask while she look at me and irritatedly sighs and then nods

"You must be wondering how the heck did I know your first kiss a friend told me, you mention it before.., now tell me

Do you and Mark have a thing before?"

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