Chapter 19

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"Sana, please come with me."

"Y/N, why are you so scared?" Sana replied while you drag her into your house.

Your afraid of, getting kissed. You said to yourself from now on, you'll stick around to Sana, no more someone.

You drag her into your house, you hold onto her hand and sighed. You didn't notice a blush from Sana's cheeks since your busy getting yourself calm. Knocking the door three times, both of you heard footsteps coming to the door. To your surprise, Nayeon opened it.

"Hi, you must be Lee Y/N. We're expecting you'll be the only one will arrive here, but, the more the merrier." You felt the bitterness on Nayeon's voice when she said the quote 'the more merrier'.

"I invited my boss, since I want her to introduce to my mom, let me introduce her to you first. This is Minatozaki Sana, my future." You smiled proudly like you accomplished a hard problem in Math that you surely know that's the correct answer.

Feeling your side has been pinched, you let a silent 'ahh' for making Sana blush more.

Nayeon rolled her eyes secretly and lead you both, Sana hold onto your hand tight.

You notice her action, you intertwine your hands with her, you look at Sana and smile trying to calm her down.

Walking on the living room, you saw your boy bestfriends, Soobin and Yeonjun cuddling, while the younger ones are playing with the known Jeon Jungkook Taehyun introduce.

"Hey Y/N noona! Sit with us, with your girlfriend." Soobin yelled and wiggle his brows while waving his hand, you chuckle on how she called Sana as your girlfriend. Of course, you didn't say no to Soobin's request.

Sana sit beside Yeonjun who's Soobin is cuddling, while you sit on her left with a free space onto your left.

You look at Sana and pull her close to you, "Don't worry baby, they're all kind and ready to protect you." You said, loud enough to make Yeonjun and Soobin saying 'ooh' to the both of you.

You chuckle on how shy and embarass Sana is before sitting beside Yeonjun, your couch is fit with five people, you sit beside Sana, your so comfortable around her, you may not know her closely but in her arms, you already felt safe.

When you wrap an arm around Sana's shoulder, you felt on your left side on the couch sinked. You noticed someone's appearance, Im Nayeon.

She wrap her arms around your left arm leaving a bunny cuddling your arm. You gulp on how you felt Sana's gaze went to your direction with Nayeon.

You don't know if she loves you or she loves Mark. 

You felt blood boiling, your mad but yet the feeling of angerness turns to emotional one, you want to cry. But there's no time crying at this point, you sighed deeply.

Love her unconditionally.

The thought completely woke you up. You don't need to ask Sana to love you back, let your feelings flow onto her, let her happiness be fulled.

You smiled at the thought and look at Nayeon, "Is there anything you want?" You ask while Nayeon nods, "I want you." Nayeon cheekily smiled and snuggle onto your neck.

Your breath hitch at the sudden contact on your skin to her lips when they met accidentally, you felt a shiver ran down to your body.

"Hi. Can you lead me where the confort room is?" That's the last straw, you screwed up, you messed up. Yeonjun assisted Sana to where the comfort room is while your left with Nayeon still onto your neck, while Soobin excuse himself to get sone snacks to eat.

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