Chapter 26

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You opened your eyes, your vision is black and felt a tight blindfold tied around your eyes making you see pitch black of your vision. You felt your surroundings moving, must have been in a car. You try to move your hands and feet and they seemed to be tied up. You're really are getting kidnapped.

"Someone's awake." That voice, it sounds familiar to you. You try to remember but it seems you can't. A part of you inside knows that this person you once made feel special, someone that you can't live.

"Who the heck are you?"

"Babe, you don't remember me?" That call sign, that 'babe' you once called the person you admired, you want to spend the rest of your life. That one person you likely loved the most, stole your first kiss and once made afraid to fall in love.

"Jennie?" You ask, wanting to make sure that your talking to you ex, Kim Jennie. "Yehey! My babe, remembered me! Been a while right?" She replied with a bright tone in her voice.

"Let me go-"

"Shhh.." A finger shush your lips and another tone of voice seemed familiar to you. This time, this is the person you once hate before, that person who wants to steal Jennie away from you.



"Aww, you remember me as well? Guess what? Jennie and I are will get married! Come at our wedding okay?"

"Honey, she might be dead later on." You didn't heard the other words and heard the only word 'honey' before they eat each other's faces. You thank for the blindolf tied around you.

"You should have let me finish my ice cream first."

"It suck right?"

"Yeah, you once suck my pussy-"

"Get a room."

"You mean, get a car?"

"You never changed, you're still dirty minded." You scoff and both of them laugh, you then thought of. Why are they in the middle row? You frown, thinking who's driving this fucking car.

"We're here."

"At the chicken shop?"

"Yeah, me and Rosé want something to eat, since both of you are busy talking to Y/N." Right, Jisoo and Rosé, the muses that no one expected that they'll be together. Girl by girl, what's wromg with is anyways?

"Oh, can you buy me a chicken too? Like the thigh part?"

"The 'boss' only lend us enough monry for the four of us, die from hunger."

"I'll just get an ulcer then." You pouted, knowimh Jennie wouldn't resist it even if you have a blindfold around your eyes.

"Fine, buy her one thigh part."

"Got it, anything else?" That sweet voixe Rosé has ask us, I mean, Jennie and Lisa that I assume they shake their heads since I heard both car doors opened and then closed.


"Next time, let's stop by at Starbucks next time." You blurted out while Lisa feed you with the thigh part you ordered.

"Oh, that's a great idea, but if we kidnapped you, we'll stop by." You manage to chuckle. It's so funny that you've been kidnapped but you're getting feed and of course has plans for future kidnapping you.

Right when you finish your chicken, you felt you have some stains both end of your lips, you try to wipe the stain with your shoulder meeting your lips but someone grab your chin making you look up, your neck flexes when she pulled your chin upwards.

"Still messy to eat?"

"How come? I can't even touch the chicken."

"Lisa worked hard tying you up though, now stop talking." With your ex wiping the stains on the end of your lips, you melted. It's been a long time since both of you had this kind of moment. You smiled, feeking Jennie smiled too when you heard a satisfied sigh.



"Honey? You want me to break up with you?" Lisa joined when she slowly pulled me down to get out in the car while I hear Jennie chuckle.

"Of course not. Bring her in the room, someone must be mad if we took long."

You were sitted on a wheel chair still tied  in wrist, in ankles and tied on your eyes with the blindfold. You hear the door squeak, a sign of the door opening, you felt some people are looking at you.

One man placed you on a chair, that scent sounds familiar. It's so familiar that the man was already gone and you're so in deep thinking that another man tied you up in the chair.

Great, another rope being tied.

You heard some gushing on both of your sides, you were so confused what it was and manage to concentrate when you felt a figure was standing in front of you.

That figure gesture to go on your back and slowly remove the tie around your eyes, and you blink a few times, trying to clear your vision with just a light above your head.

You look left and right, wanting to know what's the gushing and soon find out that youre five friends; Yeonjun, Soobin, Beongyu, Taehyun and Huening are tied up as well.

You heard a person laugh, "Y/N, remember me?" That one friend betrayed you, that one friend your mom likes the most.

"Mark fucking Tuan."

"Oh yes it's me. Sana's former lover." What the heck? You ask in your mind. He slowly walk in front of you with his hands behind his back.

"Speaking of Sana, you missed her?" You didn't utter a word, your gut tells you that she's in trouble.

"You didn't missed her? What about your mom, Y/N? Mrs. Lee?" Your eyes widened and look to Mark's eyes. It can't be.

Mark laughed, like the antagonist/villain in the movies, successfully his plan worked. "They're in the other room, Y/N. See?" One of Mark's guard brought a T.V, Mark then turned it on. Revealing Sana and Mrs. Lee on the screen. Tied up and have taped on their mouths.

Your eyes stared at the screen, completely scared. Marl approached you with a smirk form on his lips.

He then revealed his hands who were on his back and revealed two keys.

"Pick one, right or left?"

Boring chapter lol

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