Chapter 28

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"You asshole!"

"Oh, here comes another bitch." V then throw a punch to Jungkook. Dodges it and make his opportunity to hit V on the stomach making him groan.

You on the other, was laying on your back, passed out. Nayeon was checking you, checking if your breathing but no signs. Nayeon shook her head, she'll do a CPR.

"Taehyung! Who's gonna do CPR to this Lee?"

"You of- woah, dodge it loser." V kicked Jungkook and fell on his back. V then look at Nayeon, both of them made eye contact. "If you want her alive, do it, she'll understand-" V got interrupted when Jungkook slide his leg around to hit him making him fall on his arm making a huge impact to his match.

"She'll never wake up." With that, Nayeon starts working. As for doing CPR's, Nayeon place her right heel hand direct on your chest and place her left hand on top of her right.

With the compressions she's giving, none of them work in 2 minutes. When the 30 compressions didn't work. She try more 30 compressions and when she saw your chest rose, she then shut your nostril and breath in your mouth. With that, you woke up, eyes open wide and you felt someone is stopping you to breath.

Her lips wandered with yours, she keep on breathing in your mouth. She knows your awake but she would not miss this opportunity once in a life time her lips will be landing on yours.

You, awake, you tap Nayeon's shoulder to let her get away with your addicting lips that she never thought she'll have it. But Nayeon didn't listen, she remove her fingers for shutting your nostril and gave you a nice one soft passionate kiss.

Of course, you didn't response, instead you heard Nayeon yelp in pain when a man pull her hair.

"Ahh! Let go!"

"Sit beside the man who tried to kill me " Jungkook then drag Nayeon and throw her right beside V on the corner.

"Now let me-" Before Jungkook could finish his sentence, you kick him right on his balls making him groan in uncontrollably pain.

"What were you saying?" You stoop up and prepare yourself in anyway that bitch could attack you. With no response you heard, you didn't think of a second thought and punch him through his face, hard.

It's not like your face isn't bleeding, it's dry with the stain of blood. A bruise build up, so visible a purple-red fresh bruise. Jungkook on his side, his balls and face have been beaten up.

4:30 pm on your watch, with Jungkook groaning and still on pain, you start to find the key chose. "Looking for something?" V then show you a key on his fingers, slowly swaying them.

"Yes! You finally be helpful to me." You approached him and grab the key om his fingers. You were about to go when Nayeon held your wrist.

"Carry this guy, he's heavy as hell."

"Do you have pain killers on your pocket? Give him some."

"Am I on my period, Y/N?"

"I'm fine, let's go."


Fighting, bleeding, losing. (stream L=L). Not that they're losing, they're finding where's the key will fit on the door. Groaning and sighing could be heard to the three.

5:00 pm. They've been seatching for 30 minutes but still, no door opened. "Bitches!" A gun shot heard making you, V and Nayeon duck your heads. "What the fuck?" You cuss whispered, "Hey you. Bitch Lee." The man pointed the gun at you, "Stand up and follow me." You thought a second.

Why me?

You just nodded and obey, slowly standing up and head to the man, still pointing the gun towards you. You secretly gave the key to Nayeon and Jungkook to keeo searching.

You and the unknown man were heading to an unfamiliar rooms you're walking to. You then stopped to door that's wooden. The guy then open it up for you, still pointing the gun towards you.

You slowly walked in, seeing men and a man sitting on a chair, drinking alcohol. "You must be Lee Y/N." He greeted and stoop up, still a glass of alcohol on his hand. "I'm Jin. Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you." His name sounds familiar. Who is he?

"Sana's ex." He added and chuckle on how confused you were. He give you a hand, hoping you could shake with his. You forcely smiled and slowly shook with his.

"I have a plan."


"Where's Y/N?"

"I don't know, maybe dead?" Mark gave of an evil laugh while looking at Sana who is tied up tightly with Mrs. Lee with a duck tape on her mouth.

"Sir, Y/N is with Mr. Kim Seokjin."

"Stay where you are, he got it under his control."

"You added my ex here?!"

"Why not add the fun, love?" Mark soon approach her and trail a finger on Sana's jaw. "Mark." Sana's breathing become uncontrollable on how their faces are close and on how she got weak on Mark's touch. "It's not like it's not my first time touching you like this," Mark soon trail his finger on Sana's neck, shivering on his touch.

"Mine." With that, Mark gripped on Sana's neck, choking her to death. Sana soon felt her breathing stop, her voice become thin and harder to speak, she can't hold on to something except cleching her hand.

"Stop." An unknown man spoke, and came in to the room. Mark's grip loosen, letting Sana breath and cough a little on how lost she is to air.

"I thought-"

"If you're not that afraid, you should have killed Y/N!" The voice was familiar to Sana, it cant be.

"Mr. Minatozaki."

"If you can't kill her, I'll kill him my self you dumbass!"


"We have a deal right? If you killed her, you would have Sana for the rest of your life and even control my company. Now what? You're wasting my time."

"I can sir."

"Shut up."



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