Chapter 14

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"Why are you suddenly late, Mark?" I ask and eye him head to toe, seemingly he's exhausted. What did he do actually?

"I-I.. My car got ran out of gas, that's why I'm late love." He even think that he can be excused because of flirting with me, even if my parents want her to be my husband in the future I won't let them.

I mean I'm old enough to make decisions and I would probably live my life forever with Y/N.

"Go to work." I coldly replied to him after dodging off his hand and his kiss. He groans in frustration and smirk afterwards.

"You know Sana, your mom and dad want me to be with you, I'll do anything to make you mine." He said before leaving.

I became confused to his words. What does he mean when he'll do anything to make me his?

I shrug off the feeling and just get on work.

While walking to my office, someone suddenly call my name. I look where the person called me and it seems like the photographer and the designer of the company.

"May I help you, Son Chaeyoung?" I ask while she look at me with serious on her eyes and give me some photos she have taken.

"What are this? This is not included on your job Chae."

"Ms. Sana, my girlfriend has known you for years, and seems that you know that car." She said while I frown and look at where she's pointing at one of the cars she have taken on the photo.

I gasp, knowing that I have seen that car before.

"Does that belongs to Mark?"



Y/N is now hanging out with Jungkook and V. Not knowing that news flash when V help Y/N's mom.

Every accident is written in the news paper. Media are very fast by now even they can post it on social media.

"How are you doing with Sana, Y/N?" Jungkook spoke up the silence between the three of them, Y/N sighed and rest her back on the chair making the couple frown.

Their arrangement sits are opposite, Y/N is facing them and the couple sit beside to each other.

"What's wrong with the both of you?" V ask making Y/N shook her head then chuckles.

"We're both good, but her parents will came next Monday, so gotta make some memories with her, ya know?" Y/N replied making the couple nodded while V eats and Jungkook sips his drink.

"Where's your dad by the way, Y/N?" Jungkook ask, since his new to Y/N even if his boyfriend told some things about her, he still needs to get to know her to keep them both close.

Y/N almost choked at her own saliva hearing someone brought a topic about her father. She quickly grab her drink and take a sip on it.

Both men look at her, V might think Jungkook had crossed the line asking about her father.

When Y/N is now good, she slowly sighed and look at the men she's sitting with.

"He once was a successful CEO, he's always busy but he can manage to spent time with us if its a special day, we don't have to worry about bills and my mom can just take a sit, relaxing.."

"Well what's wrong with it? Where's your dad?"

"Up in heaven, he's been shot on his chest and on his shoulder, no one knows who shot him and my mom and I told the police for this case, but they quickly shut it down since it doesn't have any evidence on my father's body." Y/N slowly teared up remembering her father's body laying on his building floor lifeless.

"But, I know who's behind it, he or she might be a rich just like a CEO who owns a company, the person might be jealous on how successful my father has been when he's alive."

"Do you have any clues at it?"

"I have one, a handkerchief with a signature 'M'. For those who had killed my dad, I'll kill them with my bare hands." Y/N can't control her anger and sadness by telling about her father's death.

She promised herself that who ever killed her innocent father gets to pay, her mother can't even hold back her tears telling about her husband's death.

Shot on the chest and on his shoulder, lifeless and no weapons to defend his self.

"A 'M'?" Jungkook once again shock and felt shivers along with his boyfriend. They both know a company who hides a darkest and dirty secret that once the media knows it will ruin their image.

Y/N nods making both men shiver in fear. Both praying that it's not from the company that a person they known signed in.


Y/N called Sana about the emergency about, Sana gave Y/N a day off since she must have taken care of her mother.

Rain starts pouring, and good thing Y/N brought her umbrella, it was a bit hard but no thunder and lightning come out.

While walking on a sidewalk, she slowly saw a woman sitting on a bench, wet and crying. She slowly approach the person and share her umbrella.

"Don't cry miss and don't make yourself wet you'll catch a cold." Y/N said looking from a far while the woman wipe her tears and look at her.

"Why do you even care?" She replied while Y/N sighed and look at her. She can't even bare looking a second on the woman and regret approaching the person.

"I don't want you to be like my friend you hurted." Y/N replied making the woman shock at her words.

Y/N who has an old friend once the woman hurted her makes her friend crazy. She uses all her effort to make both of them work, but the woman keeps flirting and keeps cheating on her.

"I'm sorry about-"

"I totally ship you with Dahyun, Momo, yet you always cheat on her."


I change some of the descrip lol and when I say chaos, it's going to be chaos.

Happy birthday to Sana's wife 🎉🎂💅

Happy birthday to Sana's wife 🎉🎂💅

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Ano na Sana, lubog na ba :))

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