Chapter 7

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"Y-You want, w-what?" Sana stutterly ask while I chuckle bitterly 

"Why am I asking you anyways I can resign anytime I want right?" I clarify myself from resigning while I heard Sana gulp 

"Y-Yeah you can r-resign anytime you w-want" 


"You ok?" A girl slowly approach me while I look at her

"May I know who are you?" 

"I'm Son Chaeyoung, call me Chaeyoung or Chae, I'm the photographer and the designer of this company and you?" she introduce herself and tell what her job is while I sigh 

"Lee (your name) call me anything you want, I'm the boss's assistant" I said while she seem shock and nod her head afterwards 

"May I sit with you?" she politely ask me with one chair empty beside me while I nod and sip on my coffee

"Don't you like our boss?" she ask while I look at her and then she take a sip on her strawberry smoothie 

"No, do you like her?" I ask curiously while she choke on her own smoothie and look at me laughing 

"What am I?, A CHAEter?, I have a girlfriend Y/n" 

"Ohh really?" I ask more, this smol bean is something that your curiousity can kill you. First look she seems not that something to take care of but heck  you have a lot work to do to know her well. 

She nods and hums "We're almost 2 months now"

"Wow good for you-"

"Y/n, Ms. Sana wants to see you in her office" I heard a familiar voice called me, as I should say he called me, I look up and only seen by a friend of mine Mark Tuan 

"Well good talking to you Y/n seems I had to go as well" Chae said and excuse herself while I release an irritating sigh 

"The heck why now" I mumble before I bring my stuff and hold my coffee 


"What is it Ms. Sana?" I ask leaning on a wall while sipping my coffee not even glancing at my boss

"Can you buy me some stuffs in the mall?, I am going to meet my grandparents" she explains while she fix her table while I look at her frowning 

"Wha-, I-, Why me?" I couldn't believe my two ears, me buying at the mall??, never in my life I go out and buy some accessory 

"Like you said, I'm your boss and you're my assistant, that's my orders" she said seriously, I become confused about her, she never used that kind of tone to me ever

"What do you prefer?, ring, bracelet or necklace?" she ask looking at me while I shook my head and said "A ring Ms. Sana" I said while she nod her head

"Here's the money, if there are some left you can keep it, it can be your allowance for your work, Ms. Lee" she said and look at me deeply before heading out of the office ready to meet her grandparents 

I look at the money she gave me then sighs "I'm sure she'll send me what am I buying in the mall" I said and put the money on my wallet and head out in her office.


"Thank you for helping me Taehyun" I said while we walk around the mall with the list what Sana wants to buy 

Clothes, Perfume, Lotions

That was all three of them but she gave me a lot of money, I release a heavy sigh 

[√] MY Assistant  || MN. Sana X Fem.ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now