Chapter 15

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"I'm not."

"Yes you are, be grateful that I'm still talking to you." I replied making her sigh irritatedly. Momo and I are now walking towards her house.

I still haven't moved on how much she cause on Dahyun. I mean, Dahyun is so damn perfect, who would hurt her in the first place?

Speaking of Dahyun, we saw her walking across the pedestrian, she's on the phone with someone. She seems happy.

I look onto my right seeing Momo furrowed her eyes in curiosity yet I can feel the jealousy in her.

"Love you more, unnie." Dahyun giggled when we overheard their conversation and ended her call. We didn't heard the last word the person said when Dahyun looked at us.

We are about to go pass her when she seemed familiar with me. She then greet me with a bright smile.

"Y/N!" She greeted and hug me tightly, I smiled and slowly hug her back when Momo hold onto the umbrella I'm holding before. How it feels great that your old friend is not a stranger to you, it just felt.. great.

She then release the hug and look at me, head to toe with a smile form on her lips. "Hey, you look great and you're.. muscular." She start to massage my upper arm, I chuckle on how she reacted. She always been this amused.

"Dahyun-ssi, I'm not a stress ball that you can squeeze all day, you know?"

"But back then, you liked it." She pouted that I found it cute, a giggle heard onto my right which Dahyun caught her attention. Guess she really missed me that she didn't notice I have someone with me.

Momo and Dahyun held eye contact, I felt the tension both of their eyes are giving. I cleared my throat making them look at me.

I gulp when I felt their eyes on me.

"I'll get going by the way, give me your phone number so we can text and call, Y/N." Dahyun suggested and then she give me her phone, I did the same and we exchange phone numbers.

We both bid our farewell and same as Momo when I get her home. My day is pretty fine, I stayed on my mom whole afternoon and felt asleep with her.

Hope she'll get better soon.



2 down, 5 days to go.

We're not that official but, I'm acting already as her girlfriend. I mean who wouldn't anyways.

Taehyung leave someone behind to take care of my mom in the hospital since I'm working on Sana.

Her name is Nayeon, she's a bit older than me, I find her caring and have a good heart.

Sitting down on my desk, I sense someone is looking at me, I look where my senses are and met with Sana's eyes who were wandering mine.

She quickly look away when we made eye contact, I chuckle and proceed working on the papers where held for me.


"Yes, Y/N?" She replied and made eye contact with me, this time I look away. Her brown eyes are boring against mine and the way she look at me gives explosion in my stomach full of butterflies.

I take some courage to ask her what I'm gonna ask, but let me be honest.

Asking a perfect woman on a date is pretty nervous when she's gonna reject you.

I know that she likes me but, I heard it from Mark, she's a sexy-beautiful boss who can make you fall for her in just lust.

She'll make you drool, make you feel butterflies on your stomach. That is what I felt.

But asking for a date? I don't even know that I would ask her that, I mean I'm an ordinary woman who just want to play video games but ended up right here.

Being betrayed by your friend is a full of hatred, but half of me is thanking him because of offering this job.

Not answering her response, she sweetly call out my name once again making myself back to reality and put myself together.

Should I ask her out? Or just make an excuse?


"The food here is great." She said while I shake my non-itchy arm out of shyness.

I usually go into this restaurant because Taehyun and my friends usually go to back in high-school. I would fetch him and his friends to get here and treat everyone who's assign to treat at that day.

I chuckle at the thought of the memories we shared back then, it's been a long time since I went here.

"Why are you chuckling?" Sana ask while she take a bite on her food, I notice that she had some stain beside her lips, I grab a napkin and softly remove it and smile in satisfaction. 

I saw the way she look away, shy and embarrass at the action that I did.

"What are you asking earlier?" I ask, a bit teasing on my tone when she now blush. I giggle on how cute she is when she's blushing.

"You Lee Y/N."

"What? I didn't do anything."

"It's a crime!" She cutely whined and pouted, I smile sweetly that I felt my cheeks are starting to hurt on how cute and pretty she is.

Gosh, who ever is she gonna live forever is the luckiest person living in this world.

"Am I arrested?"

"Yes! Lee Y/N, you're under arrest for making Minatozaki Sana melt and blush at your actions." She said like a police officer and we both chuckle on how silly she were.

Our laughs faded when Sana's phone start ringing, she excused herself amde way to a corner to no one can hear their conversation.

I smile and look through the window on close with. How does it feels when she's mine forever?

When I lead looking through the window, I saw Chae heading inside the restaurant, I squeal on happiness and approach her.

She seems jump a little on her spot when see see me, I almost laugh when I kinda scared her because she place her hand on her chest.

"Gosh Y/N, you scared me. I thought someone was gonna kidnap me." She confessed while I chuckle.

"Sorry though."

"Are you here for a date? A lunch date?" She wiggle her brows while I blush a little. "Stop it." I replied while she laugh.

"Don't lie, I saw you with Ms. Sana. Speaking of her, here she comes." She pointed at Sana who's coming in our direction.

"Go order something-" I was cut off when Sana drag me on the corner of the restaurant with a serious expression yet scary for me to look.

"H-Hey what-"

"May I ask you something?" Seriously stop cutting me off. I nodded slowly with my nerves getting nervous and my heart pounding fastly because of nervousness.

"Do you love me?"


It's a special day today (for me), ask me something.

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