4.Fight at First Sight

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No one POV

In the morning as Zhan was under the shade of the tree sitting on the several layers of blankets that almost looked like a mattress while drawing in his sketchbook

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In the morning as Zhan was under the shade of the tree sitting on the several layers of blankets that almost looked like a mattress while drawing in his sketchbook. Yeah, he had the habit of drawing once in while it makes him feel better and he sometimes uses it to express his feelings. That's when he saw something floating towards the land. Curious, he got up and walked towards that direction only to find it wasn't a thing but a human. He immediately ran to him and carried the person to the place where he was resting not bothering about wetting the blanket. He checked the pulse of that person by placing two fingers below his jawline and to his great relief he was alive despite his unconscious state. So he started to apply pressure on that person's chest to do the chest compressions while being careful not to press too hard to get rid of the water he drank. The next moment that person started to move and threw up the water he swallowed directly into Zhan's face while coughing. And all Zhan could do was curse himself for being that close to the stranger. After coughing for some more time the stranger finally threw up all the water he swallowed and started to open his eyes properly and look around. Seeing this Zhan once again moved closer to the stranger. The moment the stranger's eyes fell on Zhan they widened in shock but what Zhan didn't expect was the punch that directly landed on his cheekbone due to unexpected attack he stumbled, since he was crouching he lost his balance and fell on his butt while the stranger started to run away from him as if Zhan was some kind of cannibal who would eat him up despite stumbling due to lack of strength.

While Zhan who landed on his butt could only think 'Seriously! First, he threw up a whole all that swallowed water on my face, then punched it causing me to fall then he ran away as if I'm some kind of beast. Wow! What a great appreciation for saving his life.'  But one thing Zhan was sure about was this that this person has to be a trained one seeing the way he punched him. It was the first time ever Zhan was treated this way as if he was some kind of plague he was always admired for his handsome face even though from distance but the way the stranger treated him made him doubt it. Did he really look that scary that this person ran away from him as if holding on to his dear life?

But the moment the stranger turned his back towards Zhan he saw the wounds on his back which looked fresh. Knowing that the stranger was only using his left energy in futile Zhan chased him and seeing this the other turned towards him once again started to throw punches in the air since Zhan kept dodging them successfully. Zhan was amazed that how strong this stranger was despite being hurt. Zhan could see that he was draining out of energy and was about to collapse so he caught him by his waist before his face could kiss the sand. Even though Yibo was weak he still, tried to resist but Zhan held him firmly. Yibo finally gave up fighting realising there was no use he was too weak and he could already feel his head spinning but the position was too uncomfortable for him. Being held by waist like that, he was too embarrassed but was unable to break free and it made him frustrated

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