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Wei Zhan POV

Three people entered an abandoned building cautiously not making any sound while holding their guns looking around attentively

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Three people entered an abandoned building cautiously not making any sound while holding their guns looking around attentively. At the command of the middle one, they dispersed and went in different directions. Soon one of them came across a person but even before he could make a sound he was silenced with two bullets from the gun which had a silencer attached to it. Just like that, they continued to move forward by killing whoever came in their way within a blink of eye, their movements were fast, skilled and perfect that the opponent didn't even stood a chance to put a fight. Even before they could realize their game came to an end. Eliminating whoever came in their way they reached the innermost part of the building. Where they could see a little girl around an age of fourteen bound to a chair while four armed people kept an eye on her.

The one who commanded them before once again signalled the other two that he will take two of them down while each of them had to take down the remaining one. The other two nodded their heads knowing the capability of their leader and in no time four of them were on the ground lifelessly. As the two of them were about to cheer for successfully taking down all the enemies they were silenced by a glare from their leader. Understanding what he meant they unbounded the person and took him out of the building where a car was already waiting for them.

Seeing them two people who looked younger than them came out and one of them said

" You people already finished the mission it wasn't even ten minutes since you left? "

" Of course they are. Didn't I already tell you Sizhui, Our Wei sir is the best "

" And what are we here for you brat? "

" Senior Haikuan you too know very well Jingyi didn't mean it in that way "Sizhui said with a smile

" Yeah yeah, " Haikuan said mockingly. And they made their way to the car.

" Aiya senior Haikuan I was just saying that our team is the best," said Jingyi

" Anyway, we all know how huge fan you are of Wei sir maybe he is informing Mr Jiang about the mission being completed and our vacation. Finally! we can go on a vacation" said Song jiyang

" Will Wei sir also be a part of it? " asked Jingyi curiously

" Of course not. As far as I know, he should have already made his own plans and also you too know that he loves to be by himself " said Haikuan and hearing that both the faces of the juniors fell

" Seems like I wasted my money on booking extra tickets, should I just cancel them and go by myself "Said the other officer named Song jiyang teasing them and the conversation went on with the two seniors teasing their juniors who joined their team just a few days ago. And finally, four of them decided to go together on a vacation.

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