24. I will stay

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All along the way, Zhan kept on praying restlessly for the well-being of the person with whom he quarrelled with just a few hours ago. The officer couldn't think of the last time when he prayed this desperately for someone. He didn't even know how he drove to the hospital. All that was going on in his mind were the pleas for the safety of the prince. Remembering how the prince looked when they parted earlier, how the typically cheerful person looked too lost in despair. After what felt like an aeon the officer finally made it to his destination. Entering the hospital lobby Zhan hurried towards the VIP section as he was informed by Haikuan. Finding his team along with Jiang Cheng outside the room with gloomy faces made the officer's worry increase a thousandfold

" How is Yibo? "
Asked the officer too distressed to realize the way he referred to the prince or to notice the way Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes at the way he addressed the prince informally. Sensing that no one was going to reply Haikuan took the initiative to do so

" The doctors said despite the blood loss the wound wasn't that deep and the sprain on his right foot might take a few days to heal so it's likely that his highness will gain his consciousness in some time. His condition is stable currently but we insisted on a full-body checkup to make sure that there are no further issues due to the injury or anything "
Only then did the officer felt like he could breathe in once again. Still, he couldn't help but roam to and fro until all the tests were done and the doctors were sure that nothing was wrong with the prince and he was shifted to a private suite on one of the VIP floors so check on him once he is awake.

" Now is someone going to explain anything? "
Asked the officer who couldn't contain his anger once he got the glimpse of the prince whose forehead was nearly dressed, the left hand was injected with the IV fluids, and the ankle was wrapped with a stretch bandage to heal the sprain. How could he not be angry? He just left the prince for a few hours and here he was in this condition. So the right-hand man took the initiative to narrate the story that he found the prince on the ground with blood around his head in an unconscious state in the garden when he went to talk to him.

What actually happened was when Zhan left like that after the fight the prince couldn't help but feel too apprehensive and guilt-ridden that he felt as if he kept thinking about it he would go mad. So to keep himself from thinking about the unpleasant things the prince tried to busy himself with something that could help him divert his attention. Hence in the end he chose to decorate the garden thinking that it would be better to shift his mind considering it was one of his favourite things to do, decoration.

But who would have expected that he would end up thinking about Zhan even more while doing it? Like how the officer would help him by holding the ladder while he would hang the fairy lights

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But who would have expected that he would end up thinking about Zhan even more while doing it? Like how the officer would help him by holding the ladder while he would hang the fairy lights. He couldn't help by look down hoping somehow he would be able to find Zhan looking back at him, like always. But real life isn't a fairy tale that everything would happen as we want it to be so naturally there was no one down there holding the ladder to keep him stable and in a moment of distraction, the prince didn't even realize when he lost his balance and ended up hitting his head to something eventually losing consciousness.

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