15. The Arrival Of An Unpleasant Guest

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It's been two weeks since the prince and the officer has been living together. Starting from the first day to until now every day was been a busy one for the officer with the prince who would always find something or the other thing to do each and every day that would keep their hands full. Still, if at all he felt bored and had nothing to kill the boredom the prince would just do some baking in which the officer has to prepare the batter. It was one of the tasks that the prince loved to do, seeing the officer help him in cooking. Yeah, the prince successfully taught Zhan how to mix the batter without making the kitchen look like a battlefield of flour and eggs. But the prince would add the ingredients into the mixing bowl just in case and Zhan wasn't allowed to bake or even go anywhere near the microwave or stove  for other than reheating the food. Hence all he could do was mixing the batter, getting vegetables from the fridge, washing them etc. Because those were the only few things the officer was capable of doing without burning either the kitchen or himself. Initially, the prince wanted the officer to learn how to cook but after three successive failed attempts and the whole house filled with smoke and almost caught fire, the prince finally gave up on making the officer cook and chose the simple things which suited the officer better that doesn't involve fire or electricity.

These days seemed like the first rain after years of drought for the Zhan

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These days seemed like the first rain after years of drought for the Zhan. The smile that was long gone from his life was finally returning even though slowly, it was coming back to him and it did make a difference in his life. More importantly, the nightmares that took away his sleep disappeared from his nights, the memories that made his peace go away, vanished into thin air and the past that once haunted him didn't bother him during these past few days. It was as if an evil spell was finally lifted from him and was replaced by a blessing. These days were filled with nothing but happiness even though he had to bear with the tantrums of the prince once in a while, even when he was lectured by the prince for nearly burning up the house he didn't mind it in fact he liked it because somewhere in his heart he liked the feeling of being taken care of, he understood that the prince scolded him because he cares about him and it was more than enough reason for him to be happy. The days didn't seem boring like they used to be he began to look forward to each new day.

He didn't even expect the prince to get used to his life as a commoner this well but he was glad the things were going good. Even Zhan's team couldn't believe their eyes when they saw their Wei sir doing the household work like an obedient husband which they didn't expect him to be. At most, they just predicted that the prince and the officer would keep on fighting like cat and mouse. But seeing how the prince tamed their Untamed officer they began to admire the prince even more. One thing that made them feel relieved was that the little smile that would appear on Zhan's face whenever he was with the Prince, a pure smile that was lost for years, was now finally back on Zhan's face. Especially Jingyi and Sizhui would always find ways to meet the prince in the pretence of handing the files to Zhan or bringing him some homemade snacks and spend their time with the prince talking about random stuff and the prince too slowly became used to them and their antiques. So in that way, the little ducklings found their mother duck but sadly they couldn't spend much time with him Why? That's because their senior known for his cold glare would keep on glaring at them. But it wasn't Zhan's fault either whenever the juniors or the neighbours would come to meet him the prince would turn into a chatterbox and keep on talking while forgetting about the officer who was feeling ignored. And Haikuan was already having enough fun just seeing all the drama. Only one person who didn't like all these developments was... Jiang Cheng.

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