16. Vicious Mother

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Even after being a prince by birth Yibo had never lived his life like one. In fact, he couldn't even get a taste of little happiness that could be afforded by the common people, he wasn't pampered like the rest of the children around him when he fell sick, he couldn't throw tantrums like the rest when they didn't get what they wanted all he could do was endure everything and become what people expected him to be. Heydidn't complain though not because it didn't hurt but because he understood. He understood that like the rest he didn't have his parents to take care of him and he couldn't bother his uncle who already has a lot on his plate with such trivial matters hence he had no choice but to grow up faster than the rest and become independent. What he didn't realise was that he lost his childhood in the process.

But things started to change once he started to live like a commoner and he loved those changes. He could do whatever he wanted and no one would ask him for any explanation, he could throw as many as tantrums he wanted still there was someone who would bear with all of them not because they didn't have another option but because they didn't mind his childish side, above everything he liked how he could just be Yibo with the officer, not the crown prince Yibo.

And that is what made him grow closer to the officer with each day that even though it has been only a little while since the prince woke up he couldn't help but feel bored due to the absence of the officer despite trying to keep himself busy with the work because he was used to those things together with the officer daily. Though the officer wasn't that much of help the prince enjoyed his company. Just as the people say the absence of the officer made the prince realize how much he mattered to him. He missed ordering him around, nagging him for help all the time, scolding him using the stupidest things, in all he missed the officer terribly that he would be the perfect epitome for an abandoned puppy.

 He missed ordering him around, nagging him for help all the time, scolding him using the stupidest things, in all he missed the officer terribly that he would be the perfect epitome for an abandoned puppy

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When the doorbell finally rang the prince literally ran towards the door without thinking why would the officer ring the bell when he had the keys. Opening the door he was a little disappointed in not finding the person he was expecting. 

" Seems like he not only got married without telling me a word, he didn't even bother to tell his husband about his mother such a good son I have. "
Looking at the person who said those words the prince found a middle-aged woman dressed in a black and white striped dress whose voice was filled with nothing but sarcasm. The prince could already guess her identity from her eyes and the mole below her lips. After all, he did hear that officer inherited most of his physical features from his mother especially the mole under his lips. For some reason, this made the prince miss Zhan a little more than he already did.

"Please come in Mrs. Wei."
Bowed the prince letting her enter the house. After examining the whole place to her satisfaction she finally took her seat on the nearby couch.

"Even after all these years, this place is still the same without much changes"
Said the woman with a lost expression as if reminiscing something from the past. Not sure what to say the prince asked what he wanted

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