5.Not that bad

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Despite the prince accepted the help from the other person he still couldn't let his guard down so neither of them spoke a word till they reached Zhan's house. As they entered the house the prince could see that although it wasn't a luxurious one still, it was warm and cosy without any unnecessary decorations simple yet elegant. And soon Zhan made him sit on the couch and went to bring something for him while Yibo rested there while looking around.

Yibo still sat there wondering why was this person being so good to him

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Yibo still sat there wondering why was this person being so good to him. He saw a lot of people till now who wanted to please him, get close to him but that was because of the benefits they could get from him since he was a prince and most probably the King to be. He could understand why they did it but seeing this stranger being so nice to him despite not knowing his identity and his rude behaviour made him wonder can someone really care for another person without expecting anything in return, he didn't knew.

Returning Zhan handed him a glass of glucose since the prince couldn't eat something directly after starving for such a long time. Giving him the glass Zhan came back with a first aid kit but the stranger rejected his help saying he could treat himself and he needs to take a shower first. Zhan didn't force him either. Zhan didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable and also the wounds weren't even that deep also had stopped bleeding just disinfecting then would be enough. So he disappeared into his room and came back with a pair of clothes

" Here you can use them"
And the stranger just nodded his head with a thank you and disappeared into the washroom with clothes and the first aid kit. While Zhan himself couldn't understand why he was being so nice to this stranger. It wasn't his usual self at all. In fact, he was the coldest person in his entire team but he couldn't help it when it came to the stranger. He wanted to help him, keep him away from the trouble. Why? There was no answer.

This was the first time someone has entered this house other than him, to be frank, he didn't have anyone whom he wanted to bring here. He especially designed this house, each and every corner was designed and constructed in the way he wanted it to be. The main reason was he wanted it to give him a homely feeling he wanted a Home. A place where he can get some rest and peace of mind. It helped him to some extent still the nightmares somehow found their way to him. He would often dream about a mother abandoning her child and not even turning back to take a glance at him, a child playing with his father and within a moment the father is nowhere to be found the child searching for him desperately but to no use, and many other nightmares that were buried deep in his mind. The house was a little escape for him but not entirely also he couldn't stay here for much time given to his job. But he loved it here than his luxurious apartment in Seoul. Just as he was still thinking he remembered he has to get something for the stranger to eat so he made his way to the kitchen.

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