7.The Stubborn Prince

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It was time that the prince had to return to Gusu and Zhan was supposed to escort him there

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It was time that the prince had to return to Gusu and Zhan was supposed to escort him there. Since yesterday Zhan has been with the prince the whole time and shockingly the prince who hated being surrounded by people loved having Zhan there. He didn't feel any uneasiness and also teased the officer at any chance he got. He even got along with Zhan's team very well that Jiang Cheng couldn't understand why the prince was so comfortable with this certain team still, he was happy to see this childish side of the prince. But the truth was the prince himself didn't know the answers to those questions. Still, he wanted to enjoy the little time he had here. Also once they return home he had demons to fight who were thirsty for his blood so why not enjoy the little time.

Poor Zhan couldn't understand why the prince was this persistent on teasing him. The prince even made his whole team his friends and two ducklings surprisingly started to admire the prince. The truth was Zhan didn't mind the teasing at all its just that knowing he won't meet his teaser again after tomorrow he didn't want himself to get used to the prince. But it didn't seem like he was successful. In the end, he returned to his apartment saying he and his team needs rest after the whole day of working so the prince let him off. Returning to his luxurious but cold apartment all Zhan could do was think about the prince and the whole day in the end he concluded
" He will be returning tomorrow anyway. At least there would be no more trouble waiting for me during work'.

So as per the protocol, Zhan reached there on time. Seeing this the prince soon made his way towards Zhan to tease him. Even though there was no particular reason the prince really enjoyed teasing Zhan. As he was about to speak Jiang Cheng came to him with a worried face.

Yibo: What's wrong?
Seeing that Jiang Cheng was hesitant to speak in front of Zhan the prince gestured him to continue

Jiang Cheng: Your majesty there was a problem in Gusu.

Yibo: What is it?

Jiang Cheng: Your highness Mr Lee is no more

Yibo: Huh? What do you even mean by that? Do you even realize what you are saying?

Jiang Cheng: This morning Seungyoun called me saying that when he reached your room he found Mr Lee on the ground lifelessly. Later they found that the food he ate was poisoned they had to secretly cremate him not let anyone know about this
Hearing this even the prince was too angry and hurt. Still, he kept his stoic face on and spoke nonchalantly

Yibo: Report this to Uncle immediately.

Yibo: Report this to Uncle immediately

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