9. Fate

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To say that the prince was hurt by the words of Zhan would be a very understatement

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To say that the prince was hurt by the words of Zhan would be a very understatement. He wasn't the type to trust someone easily, how could he when his own family is after his life for the sake of power? Even though he doubted the stranger in the beginning once he got accustomed to him he began to trust the officer after seeing how he helped him without expecting anything in return, without even knowing who he was.

The prince felt a little bad when he heard the officer call him a spoiled brat if he wanted he would have punished him for speaking ill about him behind his back. But he chose not to and shrugged it off thinking the officer didn't mean anything bad. He even tried to change the decision of the officer by arguing which ended when the officer talked about resigning. The prince was too sad to think that the officer was glad to resign his job than to live under a roof with him. Who wouldn't be when the person you like to be with hates your company.

But thinking about it again it has always been like this. The very few people he ever wanted to be friends with always turned out to be the ones that wanted to keep their distance from him. He should have realized it when the person who ever treated him nicely lost his life protecting him or when Hao Xuan started to keep his distance from him by listening to his mother. Seems like he is capable of getting everything in the world except for the things he wants. It was very rare for the prince to find people who treated him genuinely. Sure, he always had people around him who cared for him but deep in his heart, he knew that what they care for was their prince, not Yibo. But this certain person cared for him genuinely even without knowing a thing about him which made the prince understand that there can be a few people who would be ready to help him irrelevant of his position, his status. That was the reason why he wanted the other person around him (or maybe he has some other reasons). He wanted to be with people who treat him like an ordinary person like he always wanted. Otherwise, there was no reason for the prince to compete with the officer just to get him back as the one responsible to protect him. He even agreed to the plan which he initially thought to be stupid because the officer explained the situation to him. He was glad when his uncle chooses the officer as the one he will be marrying. For some unknown reason, he always found himself to be at ease and carefree whenever he was with the other person. May be even though you are a prince of a country you can't really have what you want.

Seeing the King in his room the prince could already guess the reason for it but still, he chose to let the other person speak first

" Yibo are you sure about your decision? " the king asked with concern

" Yes, uncle."

" So you are really okay with renouncing your throne ?"

" Uncle you know me well enough to understand that I never really cared about the throne. All I ever wanted was to be there for my people when they need me. And I will continue to do everything in my hands for my people with or without power. Also, I don't want another person to lose his life to protect me. I already have a lot of bloodshed in the name of protecting me I don't want more of it. Losing two people is enough I don't want another person from the same family to be added to the list"
Even though the prince tried to speak nonchalantly he couldn't help the shaking of his voice when he spoke about the people who lost their lives to protect him.

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