11. Wedding

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As Zhan already informed the prince the wedding was taking place in a church where usually most of the people from the elite security already got married like Zhan's parents

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As Zhan already informed the prince the wedding was taking place in a church where usually most of the people from the elite security already got married like Zhan's parents. To be frank Zhan's parents weren't the sweet couple types. It was an arranged marriage between an agent and a businesswoman whose parents were family friends. But they didn't have any particular problems until Zhan was born. It was because Zhan's mother wanted to concentrate on the business which was difficult while taking care of an infant. This caused little disputes between the couple so it became Mr Wei's responsibility to take care of Zhan. Mr Wei didn't really complain though he enjoyed spending time with his child. And once Zhan grew up he rejoined the elite team but usually chose simple and missions within the country until Zhan was fifteen.

Coming to Zhan as far as he remembered he had a happy childhood his father was the best he could ever wish for. But somewhere in his heart, he longed for his mother. He was happy to spend his time with his father but he also wanted his mother to be a part of it. He missed her, even more, when he saw most of the families spending their time together. But after all the mess he had been through he was no longer interested in having a family or a partner. This was also a reason why he was so reluctant about the marriage. Yet he didn't regret his decision because if it could help the prince he was willing to do anything in his hands.

The wedding decorations were simple with just a few white and champagne pink tulips and roses which are always been a symbol of purity, innocence and in some cases, chastity. The decorations weren't overemphasized but just as required. The choir was already singing the songs while Mr Jiang was supervising the whole arrangement. There were just a few people present there who were Mr Jiang, priest, choir and a few guests who can be considered as witnesses to the marriage.

 There were just a few people present there who were Mr Jiang, priest, choir and a few guests who can be considered as witnesses to the marriage

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Zhan and his teammates along were the first to enter the wedding hall. Zhan didn't want to inform his mother about this because he didn't expect her to care anyway so he chose not to let her know. Seeing the groom enter the hall no one was able to avert their eyes from that handsome face. And that cold nonchalant look on his face only added more cold aura to him making it impossible for a soul present there to take their eyes of the person.

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