12. Unexpected Guest

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" I called you all here to announce an important matter which is I hereby announce Prince Zanjin as the crown prince "

" But temporarily until prince Yibo can come back "
Hearing the words said by the king Wen Chao immediately stood up from his seat as if it caught fire. To speak against the King

" Why are doing this, your majesty? It should be Haoxuan who should take the position of the Crown prince, not Zanjin. Even all the officials are okay with it "

" That is because they have wrong assumptions about Yibo. Even though I can't say anything about Yibo's situation right now. I will never appoint Haoxuan as the crown heir. Because there I people who are more suitable for this than him. And I made my decision and nothing can change it. Do anyone else have anything to say? "
Asked the King and no one dared to say a word. All that the officials who rebelled till then calmed down and were satisfied with the assurance they received from the King. Since there were no more things to be discussed the King ended the meeting after assigning his new position to Zanjin who looked as if he got the shock of his life. When all the people left the room except for Zanjin was the only one to stay back and the King has who already expected this let the other begin the conversation.

" Your majesty I don't want this position, I never did. I'm happy with whatever I have. I don't think I'm in any way suitable for this. Also, I don't want to have problems with Haoxuan he and my own father already hates me enough for being weak I don't want them to hate me even more. " Said Zanjin bowing down

" I understand your concern but don't you think you too have some duties and responsibilities towards your people. You too should have known by now that Haoxuan isn't qualified or suitable for this position.  " The new crown prince didn't let the king continue

"Neither am I"

" I'm just asking you to do this just temporarily until it is safe for Yibo to return here. t as if you are doing this for yibo. Is that okay?"

" Your majesty you too know that I can never ignore a single thing when it comes to Yibo after all he is the only one who has ever treated me good. And if this is for Yibo's safety of course I will do everything I can. fine. But please make sure he is safe and returns soon. I already don't have that good relationship with Haoxuan I don't want it to become worst"
And the King gave him a small nod and left the room. Truth be told Lan Qiren never wanted anyone but Yibo as the crown heir but now that the things were at this point he had to make a decision. Being a responsible King he couldn't let his people be in a dilemma regarding the crown heir's safety but he couldn't even bring him back. And if he didn't do anything the opposition might increase and when there is no assurance it's natural for anyone to rebel. That is why he made the decision to make Zanjin the crown heir. Compared to Haoxuan, Zanjin has always been a better person and he isn't power thirsty as Haoxuan. According to everything he had seen in these years Zanjin has always been an obedient child who was never interested in the game of power and he also has a good relationship with Yibo. So he was a better person than Haoxuan who was crazy about the power.

Since for now, the things were peaceful the only thing the king wanted to focus on was to find the person and proofs about who attacked the Crown heir and bring them to justice. So that he could bring his nephew back to his actual place as the Crown heir of Gusu.

The Elite Security Accommodation.

The newlywed couple finally reached the place which was once Zhan's home after finishing all the formalities. The place was a little crowded since it was evening with children playing around and their mothers watching over them and people walking around. Seeing an unknown car enter directed the empty houses all the attention slowly turned towards them. Since Zhan is one of the best officers most of the people already saw him through the media or by other means, so it wasn't that hard to recognize him and seeing the attire worn by the two people in the car they didn't need an explanation about what their relationship was. As Zhan's car passed through the streets the memories he left behind years ago came rushing to him. He began to remember his childhood, the time he spent with his father. He couldn't understand how can a person feel delighted and sad about the same thing, at the same time. He was happy to remember them but he couldn't help but feel sad that he no longer had a chance to live them. It felt just like a beautiful dream which you can feel and see but can't have in reality. His train of thoughts came to halt when they finally reached the house.

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