30. Unforeseen Meeting

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The journey came to a halt in front of the entrance of headquarters and the prince almost jumped out of the car as soon as Haikuan opened the door for him. The eyes of the prince that were yearning to see a certain someone found that person amidst the crowd instantly as if he was the moon among the stars whose charm can't even be hidden no matter what. Looking at Zhan who stood there appearing as aloof as ever justifying the reputation for being cold. Seeing which the prince smile to himself in solace to find Zhan safe and well. As much as Yibo wanted to run to him and give him a sound scolding for leaving him all alone and scaring him the prince know better. Here, at the headquarters, he wasn't just Yibo but the prince who had to keep his composure in front of the outsiders. So calming his emotions, for the time being, the prince regained his tranquillity as he took his steps towards his target, who didn't even spare him a glance.

But before he could even get near that person whom he has been desperately wanting to meet a pair of arms wrapped around him hindering his steps. The prince was so focused on the officer that his eyes were fixed on him that he didn't even notice someone approaching, much less hugging him. There was no way that the prince expected such an impertinence, such an audacity towards him that too while being surrounded by those many people, especially with Zhan being there. But what shocked him more was neither of them even bothered about the intruder as if they were already expecting something like this. Shell-shocked the prince didn't even understand what was happening and once he came back to his senses he immediately raised his hands to push the intruder as the said person spoke

"Yibo! Finally! Here you are"
Hearing the cheerful and familiar voice of the person, the prince's hands that were about to push the other away froze in place as he doubtfully asked

"Yibo! Finally! Here you are"Hearing the cheerful and familiar voice of the person, the prince's hands that were about to push the other away froze in place as he doubtfully asked

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"Yizhou Loushi?"

"It's good to know that you still remember me."
The prince was quite thunder stuck hearing the response that he didn't know what to do for some time. Though he recognized the other person just from his voice the prince didn't really expect to find the person he has been searching for years to appear out of blue like this. Also, it wasn't a rocket since for Yibo to recognize the other, how could he forget the voice of the person that taught him for years? It's just that he didn't expect something like this that he was left dumbfounded. Feeling quite uncomfortable in the hold of the person he wasn't used to, the prince was the first to break the hug as he spoke

"You... what... how...?"
The prince wasn't even able to make a sensible sentence due to the shock and surprise. Finding the person he has been looking for, for such a long time to appear before him suddenly was not something he could treat as normal. Seeing which the loushi spoke for him.

"I can understand how shocked you are but for now let's go inside first. His majesty is eagerly waiting to see you it isn't good to make him wait longer."
Except for a little frown when the prince broke the hug the smile on Yizhou's face didn't waver much as he said these words.

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