31. The rescue

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"Fine, I will tell you ... Mrs. Wei is abducted ... Right from her office."
H earing those words, the complexion of the prince paled visibly like a child who was roaming around happily until, it suddenly dawned on him that he was lost. Before he could digest that news another fear rose in his heart as he fearfully asked

"Shijie? Is she okay?"
Asked the prince knowing that both of them work in the same space.

" Yanli? She is absolutely fine what would happen to her? "
Only then did the prince feel like he could breathe again as he unconsciously took a few steps back feeling, all his strength being sucked off from him. As if the ground that has been supporting him all this while was slipped away from him. Seeing this, Mr. Jiang came forward holding the prince by his shoulders and helped him sit on the couch as he worriedly asked

" Your highness, are you okay? "
Looking a little too lost, the prince replied habitually.

" I-I'm okay"
But Mr. Jiang knew that the prince wasn't. Just his face could tell pages of how scared and terrified he was. It still took a little time for the prince to breathe properly as he tried to take in what he just heard. No matter how much he hated Mrs. Wei for treating Zhan badly, not even in his wildest dreams would he ever wish for something bad to occur in her life, not to Zhan's mother! Thinking about Zhan as if a bucket of cold water was poured into him the prince, suddenly regained his senses as he worriedly asked.

" Where is Zhan? "
Seeing the way the prince reacted Mr. Jiang already knew what the prince was planning to do but for that very reason, he also understood that he shouldn't keep it from the prince.

" At the headquarters, your highness "

" Mr. jiang please don't lie and tell me the truth. This is related to me, isn't
it? "
Taking his silence as consent the prince concluded that once again Zhan's family was in danger, because of him.

" Take me there "
Came the response that Mr. Jiang has been awaiting. The prince leaped to his feet to follow him as when Mr. Jiang stopped him saying

" It's impossible your highness, your plane is ready to take off in forty-five minutes I came here to take you there "
Before he could finish what he meant to say, the prince cut him off

" I'm the one who has the right to make decisions here and I'm telling you that I have to go to Zhan. In fact, I'm ordering you to take me to Zhan."

" No, your highness. Previously this is true that I have to follow your orders but not anymore "
Said Mr. Jiang.

" What does that even mean?"
The confusion was apparent on his face as the prince spoke.

" Previously, you were the highest authority so I had to follow your orders but King Lan Qiren changed it yesterday giving all the rights to make decisions to Mr Yizhou and now I have to follow his orders."

" Fine, if loushi gives his permission then it is okay right? "
The prince didn't even wait for the answer from Mr. Jiang as he barged into Yizhou's room. The loushi looked busy with some calls. But seeing the tension in the prince's face, he immediately stopped what he was doing and came to attend the prince. When the prince asked earnestly

"Loushi in the past I have always listened to what you said and did what you asked, didn't I?"

" Yibo what's the matter? Why are you asking me such a question so suddenly?"

" Loushi please just answer this question."

" Yes you did. In fact, you were and still my favourite student."

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