8. Easy to advise others

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The truth was Zhan didn't at all like the idea of the fake marriage but looking at the situation it seemed to be the best way out. The accommodation was highly secured, to begin with. It was because all the people who live there are the family of Elite security members who are in constant danger while protecting others. What if the enemy uses their own family to defeat them? that's the reason why they thought of this accommodation in the beginning. Which can keep their loved ones safe while they save the lives of others who are in danger.

So the prince must be totally safe there. And the last thing Zhan wanted was the prince to get hurt so he agreed to cooperate with the king in his plan. Also in that way, the prince can be under their vision all the time and Zhan could look over the prince from far. And once the things get settled the prince can go back to his country. But Zhan was quite unsure that even if he tries, the prince will listen to him. As he was still busy with his thoughts the King was back

Lan qiren: Officer Zhan I think it's your turn now

Zhan: Your majesty do you really think the prince will listen to me
Those words earned him a sorry two glares from both the King and his superior. ' It seems like I have no option but to confront him. Zhan just go for it! It isn't like the prince will kill you. Just think of this as your work nothing else'. So he changed his answer

Zhan: I will go talk to his highness
He soon made his way towards the prince's room. And found the prince look out through the glass with a blank expression.' How can a person look this heavenly?' he couldn't help but wonder. Pushing those thoughts away he tried to focus on his mission impossible.

Zhan: Ahem!The prince was a little startled since he didn't realize when the other person entered the room

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Zhan: Ahem!
The prince was a little startled since he didn't realize when the other person entered the room. Seeing Zhan made him feel better for an unknown reason. He couldn't help but frown thinking about the reason the officer was here

Yibo: Don't tell me uncle gave you the task of convincing me. Just go back and tell him that I'm never going to agree to that stupid plan

Zhan: Has your majesty heard about world wars? And the incidents that took place at that time?

Yibo: Officer Zhan don't tell me you are in a mood to play teacher and student because I'm not.

Zhan: Does your highness know that many people have engaged in cross-dressing during wartime under various circumstances and for various motives. This has been especially true of women, whether while serving as a soldier in otherwise all-male armies while protecting themselves or disguising their identity in dangerous circumstances, or for other purposes.

Yibo: I don't understand just say what you want to directly don't use riddles

Zhan: Also the people who wanted to kill you also disguised themselves to poison you. If the person in Gusu wasn't the doppelganger, the person who died today would be you, your highness. So do you still that disguising and hiding in the meantime is stupid? Because I don't.

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