10. Real Marriage ?

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After talking to the King Zhan didn't waste a second anymore and made his way towards the prince's room. He was now very determined to protect the prince than he had ever been to protect someone. In the beginning, it was because he wanted to protect him but after knowing that it was also his father's wish to protect the prince Zhan was now more determined. Also if this was all in his fate as the king said then there must a reason for it and Zhan wanted to find it at any price. He quickly made his way towards the prince's room and No one even bothered to stop him. But once he reached the prince's room he was stopped by the right-hand man who was outside the prince's room with his signature grumpy face.

"What is it officer Wei?"

" I want to meet his highness "

"He isn't someone you can meet as you are pleased also I don't think his highness wants to meet you"
Because he could speak further he was cut off by Zhan

"I have something very important to speak to him"

"I don't think it is of that importance we are leaving tomorrow anyway."

"That's what I want to talk to him about. I met his majesty before coming here and he allowed me to meet his highness so I don't think you have any reason to stop me"

"I don't believe you"
Said that the right-hand man with confidence.

"Then you can go and ask his majesty"
Replied Zhan with his stoic face

"Even then you can't meet his highness now he is resting. I mean he is sleeping"

"I don't believe you either who sleeps at five in the evening"

Just as Jiang Cheng was about to reply they heard the door opening and there was the prince who was still looking as if he just came out of the bed in his casual clothes. If only Zhan was allowed, he wished to pinch those puffy cheeks in front of him just as he processed the thought he cursed himself. The thing was it's just one of the prince's habits to sleep whenever he feels sad. And after waking up he feels better. Because it's a proved fact that if a person is too sad before going to bed he will feel much better after waking up. It's because during that time our brain releases some chemicals which help us ease our sadness or stress. So whenever the prince feels too sad he just chooses to sleep for some time instead of doing anything which he will regret later. Hence Jiang Cheng wasn't lying when he said that the prince was sleeping.

Coming back to the situation as soon as the prince's eyes fell on the officer they widened in shock because he didn't expect to see the officer there which finally made his sleepiness go away. He just came out to scold Jiang Cheng for disturbing his sleep but seeing the person there he nearly froze so he immediately turned around walking back into his room trying to maintain his cold attitude he said

"What did this spoiled brat do this time that the great officer Zh- sorry officer Wei is here? " The prince didn't even try to cover the sarcasm in his voice. It was clear that he was still angry with the officer. Since the beginning, the prince always used to call the officer as Zhan instead of addressing him formally because... Well, there was no particular reason that he just liked it also it isn't like anyone will stop him from doing so. But after the fight they had in the morning he just couldn't do it anymore after he really didn't want the officer to think of him as a spoiled brat. Due to which he tried to address him formally which didn't go unnoticed by the officer. Following the prince who now sat on the couch, Zhan also entered the room along with Jiang Cheng who stood in beside him both of them facing the prince who sat there leisurely.

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