13. Sleep with me!!?

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When they finally finished the meal Yanli and Yibo busied themselves in chatting about some random stuff and sorting out the things while Zhan was busy with his work which was looking at the prince which Yanli found very cute. The thing was the prince has always been deprived of family and it's emotions he didn't even get a chance to know how it feels to have a family. But now that he got a chance to experience it he didn't want to miss it. What if it was all just an act? All the joy and warmth he was feeling was real and that's what mattered to him the most. It made him realise that not everything is about power and positions. Even when Yanli's husband Jin Zixuan came by to take her back the prince had the look of a lost puppy until Yanli promised him to stop by whenever she could. Only then the prince gave her a small smile and bid her a goodbye for the day. Zhan was totally amazed to see the prince getting along with his Shijie so well that he didn't even mind helping her in doing dishes and cleaning being a prince. But he was a little too jealous that how they became so comfortable with each other in such a short time while he himself still couldn't open up himself completely to Yanli even after knowing her for this long he just couldn't tear down the walls around his heart even though he wanted to. And when the stubborn prince finally turned into a cute little lost puppy he couldn't help but enjoy the rare occurrence. But a small part in his heart couldn't help but feel a little jealous that those emotions were directed to someone who wasn't him. Call him possessive but he couldn't help it neither could he reason out why he felt that way. While he was still focused on his jealousy the prince slumped himself on the couch making himself comfortable as he commented

 While he was still focused on his jealousy the prince slumped himself on the couch making himself comfortable as he commented

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" Officer Zhan why didn't I get to know you had such a sweet sister "

" Huh? I thought you already knew the details about me, your highness "
Zhan asked as if it was a matter of fact. After all, before selecting him for such an important task he was sure that the prince would have checked his backpack thoroughly. Because he himself tried to know about all the things related to the prince so it was only natural for the prince to do the same.

" How would I? "
Asked the prince not understanding what the officer meant

" Didn't you check my background before selecting me for this mission your highness "

" I didn't "
Well, that wasn't the answer the officer was expecting so he unintentionally blurted out

" Why? "

" Because I'm not interested in knowing your past I believe in the person you are now. And what would I even do knowing about all that happened during the time I didn't even know you?"
Being in a responsible position the prince learned never to judge a person based on his past. Because everyone makes mistakes in life, but that doesn't mean they have to pay for it for the rest of their life. Sometimes good people make bad choices it doesn't mean that they are bad. It just means that they are human. All we have to do is ignore their flaws and see their bright side that even after all they went through they are still fighting without giving up.

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