20. Babysitting

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Standing in front of the pre-school gate for the past thirty minutes the prince asked the same question for the nth time

" Zhan your nephew recognizes you, right? "
Just to receive the same answer

" He does "
The prince knew it can be a little irritating to answer the same question over and over again but how could he not worry when it has already been half an hour since the school was over and the children who went in with long faces while parting from their parents in the morning were now coming out while smiling ear to ear to meet their parents. While some were busy narrating how their day was, some were busy making little demands about what they wanted to have when they get back, while some were saying goodbyes to their friends with a promise of meeting the next day. 'School life seems to be fun' Thought the prince who never got a chance to experience it. With each child leaving the premises the prince worried a bit more about not finding the one they came for which didn't go unnoticed by the officer

" Yibo what are you even worrying about? Shijie already informed Jin ling's teacher that we would pick him up today in the afternoon itself. Maybe she still has some children to take care of that's why they are late "
Once again the officer tried to convince the prince that he was worrying in vain.

" It's half an hour past school time. The school is almost empty now even the parents who came to take their children are almost nowhere to be found. Why don't you try talking to Shijie once again? "
Reasoned out the prince which was true. While the officer was busy calling Yanli the prince was too focused on the Officer that he failed to notice the little furball that came running to him as soon as he saw the prince. Only on feeling the slight tug on his trousers did the prince avert his attention from to officer to the source only to find a super cute four-year-old child looking at him with Deo's eyes. The kid looked adorable with his puffing cheeks that were slightly red due to the cold despite his warm clothes and the scarf around his neck. Then came his class teacher who couldn't catch up with the kid who took a run as he saw his ride home

 Then came his class teacher who couldn't catch up with the kid who took a run as he saw his ride home

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" I'm sorry for the delay Mr... "

" You can call me Yibo. It's okay you don't have to apologize "
Smiled the prince at the teacher who looked guilty for standing them up and shifted his attention to the little one who was still clinging onto his leg.

" Hello A-ling, I'm Yibo "
The prince forwarded his hand but received only a blank stare from the other side which made the teacher intrude

" Mr Yibo, Jin ling is a very shy kid and he takes a little time to warm up to the people new to him. But believe me, he was so excited to meet you since the time he came to know that you will come to pick him up. "

" I understand, thank you for taking care of him"
Finally when she left the prince instantly crouch down to meet the distance between their heights to get a clearer view of the cute face.

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