6. Let's See Who Wins

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Even after repeating the same questions for the nth time Zhan still couldn't believe what his team was explaining him

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Even after repeating the same questions for the nth time Zhan still couldn't believe what his team was explaining him. The truth shocked him more than the unexpected punch he received from the stranger. He already expected that the stranger he helped wasn't just some commoner as he claimed. He knew it, but not even in his wildest dreams did he think that he was a prince. To be frank, no one would think of such thing no matter how wild their imagination is also life isn't a fairy tale and Zhan knew that better than anyone else. Still, he couldn't deny that he was just a little or maybe a little too much disappointed. Because after all these years he liked the companionship of a person and wanted to be friends with him but that too turned out to be impossible. It was only natural for him to be upset and also his team already informed him that the prince will be leaving tomorrow. Letting all these things sink in his mind he concluded

Zhan: So What you mean to say is that He is a prince, Who was visiting here due to some collaborations, Got abducted and we were assigned to find him "

Jingyi: Exactly! senior Wei we were here to inform you about the case but unexpectedly we found the prince himself
The junior replied enthusiastically seeing his seniors face which held a lot of emotions he had never seen but he wasn't the only one his whole team was looking at their leader in wonder. How could they not it was the very first time they were seeing their senior this expressive and talkative. They got to see a lot of emotions on their senior's face in these few hours which they couldn't see even after working together with him all this while.

Zhan was not at all pleased with the way the things turned out to be. It was rare that he had ever felt comfortable around a person that he wanted to be friends with him. But seeing that it was impossible he couldn't help but think  ' Maybe its just better this way not getting attached to anyone than to get attached to a person who has to leave in the end. *deep breath* Fine, it's good that I got to know about it sooner it isn't like can't live without him. I agree it would be better to have a friend but it doesn't mean that I can't continue without it. Didn't I already live like this till now? I will just continue to live the same as... I never met him. He will be leaving tomorrow anyway and its not likely that he will ever return.'

Zhan was still trying to console his heart when the prince fake coughed to gain the attention of the people who were busy talking among themselves. The prince already expected this kind of reaction from Zhan but he didn't think that it would be this tough for the other person to accept his identity

 The prince already expected this kind of reaction from Zhan but he didn't think that it would be this tough for the other person to accept his identity

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