26. Back to Gusu?

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It was the third morning successively that the officer was missing by the time the prince woke up making him feel restless. And like the past two days, he was greeted by Jiang Cheng who was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast-making him lose his interest in cooking or eating it wasn't that he hated Jiang Cheng or anything it's just that he didn't like not seeing Zhan as soon as he woke up. Since the day Zhan told him about the involvement of someone they didn't have any idea about, the officer would leave early in the morning and the prince didn't even know when he returned in the night or whether he even returned during the nights. The prince didn't complain in the beginning knowing the officer had his things to do and can't stay with the prince all the time and he was okay with it.

 The prince didn't complain in the beginning knowing the officer had his things to do and can't stay with the prince all the time and he was okay with it

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What he was not okay with was, the things and the behaviour of the officer. Zhan ignoring his phone calls, not replying to his messages, the fact that the prince didn't get a glimpse of Zhan for two days despite living in the same house, didn't hear his voice despite calling him again and again, didn't know whether the officer had a decent meal or not, didn't know if he slept at all. All those things bothered the prince a big time. He would stay quiet and calm until he was sure everything was okay with the officer but not in a situation like this where he barely knew anything about what was going on with Zhan. The prince tried other ways to contact Zhan which was through the juniors who said that they couldn't get the other person at the call but would pass on the message later Why? The answer was that Zhan was busy with work. So all the prince said to convey was asking Zhan to call him, a call he didn't receive till now despite the juniors telling him that they did convey the message.

Another issue was that the prince just couldn't pinpoint what was keeping the officer so busy that he couldn't talk to him even once, just a phone call. At some point, the prince even doubted if he did something that had hurt the officer due to which he was being ignored. Yet, he couldn't think of such a thing so he struck off that possibility. If that wasn't the case then, could it be that whatever Zhan was busy with it was more important than the prince? After all, no one is too busy in the world. It's all about the priorities. At that point, the prince felt a pang in his heart to imagine that the officer had something more important than him. Though he didn't try to think of the reason why he felt that dejected.

And like the previous days, the routine of the prince continued; trying to reach the officer and miserably failing at it making him finally exhausted. Being the one not to give up so easily the prince decided Fine! if being good and staying put wouldn't help then he had other ways too. What if Zhan couldn't come to meet him, he himself would go meet the officer, he didn't have any issues doing so. And when he announced his decision it was Jiang Cheng's turn to be scared. Only after knowing about this latest news did it look like there was some result from the other side which was Mr Jiang Fengmian called him saying the officer would be in front of his eyes within an hour or so.

 Only after knowing about this latest news did it look like there was some result from the other side which was Mr Jiang Fengmian called him saying the officer would be in front of his eyes within an hour or so

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