38. An event to attend.

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( I know this pic doesn't suit the situation but I just love that smile

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( I know this pic doesn't suit the situation but I just love that smile.)

On the way back to his room the prince couldn't help the smile that lightened up his face. Though he would never admit, he was really happy that Zhan was here and that was enough for the prince to forgive the officer. The prince has already forgiven Zhan the moment he saw pain and regret in the eyes of the other person. Still, he wanted to continue his sulking. After all, he was still a little angry and it was rare for him to be the one to get angry and Zhan to make amends. Most of the time when they were together, the prince was the one who made the mistakes and had to seek for forgiveness. Now that the roles were exchanged he wanted to have a little share of his fun before giving in. Another reason was he wanted to see how far the officer would go to get his forgiveness.

Despite whatever happened between them, Zhan has always been and will always be the person the prince felt at ease to have around him. It was the feeling of being safe, protected something he didn't feel even when he was under the protection of the best people of his country's army. It wasn't that they were any less but Zhan's presence just made him feel that way, just his presence made him feel at ease. And now that he was here just at a distance of a few steps the prince could finally be at peace.

Lost in his thoughts the prince failed to see the person that was approaching him until someone got a hold of his wrist. Responding to his instinct the prince used his brute strength to make whoever caught his hand flip over his shoulder holding the person to the ground only to realize it was Zanjin! Who was now groaning in pain on the ground. Cursing his instincts the prince helped the other to get off the ground.

" I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to harm you."
Exclaimed the prince as he helped Zanjin stand as the other rubbed his hand the prince had almost broken and for Yibo's peace of mind it didn't break and he was happy about the wound on his shoulder and lack of any physical training for months.

" Yibo ge? Is this any way to welcome your brother who returned home after weeks?"
Asked the said person checking his hand again and again.

" I'm really sorry A-Jin I thought it was someone who was someone else."
Said the prince filled with guilt. Seeing which Zanjin's features soften instantly as a smile lifted his lips upwards as he assured the prince.

" It's okay ge I was just being over dramatic."
And the prince knew it was a white lie his brother chose to say to keep him worrying. The prince couldn't help but admire his concern even at such a small thing.

" I wanted to come back as soon I heard you were returning but couldn't due to my final years exams. And believe me when I hurt you were hurt I wanted nothing more than to come visit you but his majesty said that you were fine and I wouldn't be of much help even if I returned. His majesty also suggested that I shouldn't risk my year worth of hard work to come and just sit beside you. So all I could do was catch the earliest flight once I finished my exams so that I could come visit you."
Said Zanjin feeling bad for not being beside his ge when he was sick.

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