18. Care for you

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Even though the prince said that he would return 'soon' it's been an hour since he left and didn't return which made the officer panic a little or maybe a little more than it should, that... Here he was standing in front of Haikuan's house after ringing the bell which is unfortunately opened by Jiang Cheng who wore a grumpier expression than usual. Not caring about the person who opened the door for him the officer barged in only to find the prince sitting inside the study while using Jiang Cheng's laptop while speaking to someone through video call. Seeing Zhan the prince abruptly got up from his seat like a child found by his mother while stealing his snacks

" Zhan? What are you doing here? "
Now that he was asked for the reason for his sudden arrival the officer couldn't think of anything which made him just say whatever came to his mind

" The food you p-prepared earlier I don't have the  appetite to eat it. So came here to ask did you finish your work or should I order a takeout "
The prince didn't even need any evidence to know that the officer was lying through his teeth. That was because he prepared all the favourite dishes for Zhan while he missed him earlier. Still, not wanting to embarrass him the prince held back and was about to reply when someone else spoke in between

" Who do you think he is.. "
But before Jiang Cheng could finish the prince interrupted him

" Hmm... seems like you didn't quite understand what I told you before leaving or... Maybe you are missing Gusu very much that you are this desperate to go back, isn't it? "
Although the prince said those words with a smile even a blind person could say that he was raging with anger and that made the grumpy person quiet.

" I'm sorry your highness "
And the officer who didn't know what happened in his absence could only look at both of them cluelessly. And to everyone's surprise except Zhan, the prince who was fuming with anger not a second ago now changed into a cute puppy once he turned towards Zhan. Well, Zhan was quite used to these sudden mood swings of the person already.

" I'm done let go back"
Saying the prince sat back in his sit only to say

" You got what I said, right? I want it to be done by morning and make sure there is not even a minute change or mistake in it. Everything has to be as I said. Jiang Cheng will be supervising
it since I can't. "
Even though the prince said those words normally his expression and the coldness in his eyes was capable of making the person on the other side know that he was quite serious about this matter.

" Inform me if there is anything else "
Finally the prince and the officer left the house.

"  Yes, your highness "

" Why can't you just stop picking on Officer Wei? "

" Me? I'm picking on him? Why do you people keep on forget that he is a prince and not just someone whom you could order around "

" Exactly! You yourself said that no one can order him so all the things he is doing can only be considered as the things he is doing by his liking. So if you don't want him to get further angry with you stay out of his matters. He is capable of taking care of his own matters "
Even though the right hand man didn't argue he didn't look convinced either.

Coming back the prince questioned the officer
" Now tell me why did you come there?"

"I was achoo!!"

" Continue "

" Achoo"
The officer continued to sneeze more that the prince couldn't help but worry. Now that he got a clear look the officer looked paler than usual and looked as if he would faint any moment that the prince went forward and supported him.

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