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I was thankful it was lunchtime. I was hungry. When we went through the double doors, I felt as if I was in a sardine can. So many humans crammed into a tiny space. We found a table and I was hit with some interesting smells. I scrunched up my nose in disgust. Body odor, perfume, an overabundance of teenage hormones, and what could only be called fake meat being passed off as hamburgers.

But somewhere mixed in with all that grotesqueness was that tantalizing smell of watermelon and rain. I closed my eyes and raised my nose slightly to breathe in my mate. I smelled her in the far corner on the right. I opened my eyes and turned my head in her direction. Sure enough, there she was with her two friends. She had a sensual look on her face which was then interrupted by her choking. I wondered what was being said by her friend that made her do that.

I opened my ears to hear what they are saying. "What the hell are you talking about?" Cora asks, looking lost and wiping the crumbs from her mouth.

"Personally, I will ship with Zeke. I wouldn't mind having his arms snaked around my waist and his hands trailing my body while-" Uh oh, someone is crushing on Zeke.

"Whoa! Down girl," my mate says, chuckling.

"What?" her friend asks.

"I really don't need to know what is going on in that naughty brain of yours." Yeah, your friend most certainly has a naughty brain. I chuckle to myself.

The boy sitting opposite them, suddenly yells, "Wait! That leaves me with Mount Everest." Mount Everest?

Cora laughs. "Oh, please Toph." Toph? Must be a nickname. "You cannot tell me you wouldn't want to try and climb that mountain." Okay, I think I am understanding who they are talking about. I look to my left and see a mountain sized man. Tiny is quite mountainous.

I notice that this Toph kid is looking across the cafeteria at Tiny. He is squinting his eyes, licking his lips, then looks back at the girls. He flicks his head back, before saying, "Find me some rope girls. This twink is going mountain climbing." Oh yeah, he is one hundred percent talking about Tiny. Wait, if he is talking about Tiny that means...he's gay. Oh man. This is epic! He'll be happy to know, Tiny is Bi. But leans more towards guys.

They roared with laughter. Her girlfriend laughed so hard she almost fell off her seat taking my mate with her. The looks on the tables near them, were of disgust. One person did say something about how the faggot's laugh was too annoying. That pissed me off to no end. I hated that word with a passion. I wanted to get up and say something but then I saw the girls glare at the guy and he quickly shut his mouth and turned around.

We didn't end up eating lunch. I was to pissed to eat quite honestly. The rest of the day was uneventful. We went home ready for the drilling my parents were going to give us about our day. And goddess did we get one.

No sooner that we walked in the front door of the house, my parents were on us. I groaned instantly. "Did you find her?" my mother asks in her sweet voice, hopping off the leather couch in the living room.

"Yes mother," I reply, giving her a kiss on her cheek.

Her smile was beaming like the sun. The twinkle in her eyes showed her happiness for me. She clapped her hands together before stating, "I am so happy for you my son."

My father soon followed suit. His deep voice booming his questions. "Were there any problems?"

I shook my head in response. "No father."

"What about the other students?" he demanded.

When my father asked a question, you answered. He was a man of authority. No one ever dared to go against him. I was always afraid of him as a kid. When he used his Alpha voice, you knew you were in trouble. Thankfully, now that I am older, I can tell the difference between his fatherly tone and his Alpha tone. Right now, he was giving me his fatherly tone.

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