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A month has gone by and things have fallen into place nicely. Tess and Topher finally completed their mating with Zeke and Tiny. The six of us were thick as thieves. Well, seven really. Liam became even more enthralled with us. Once everything came to light, he was designated as my permanent guard.

I still am living in my house to Max's displeasure. I know eventually I will move to the ranch, but for now, I am happy where I am. Honestly, I hate the fact that I have to sell my house. I have so many memories here. This is the house where I lived with my father. I grew up in this house. I still have my toys in the attic. My tree house that my dad built is still in the backyard. Surprisingly, still in good condition.

Liam and I have many memories here. We played hide and seek in the backyard, we built snowmen in the front yard, had snowball fights with our fathers, and had movie nights. This was just as much his home as it was mine. I cannot fathom what it would be like not living next door to him. He has always been within arm's reach, now he wouldn't be. I think that scares me more than anything.

Yes, he will be my guard, but he isn't living at the ranch. I wonder if I could change that? Maybe I can force his sorry butt to move to the ranch. I need him like I need air. He was and always will be my security blanket. I know I have Max, but Liam is another half of me like Max is.

Tonight, we are introducing the three of us to the pack. To say my nerves are on overload would be understatement. I can't stop throwing up and shaking. Shelly is doing her best to keep me calm, but all efforts are thwarted.

"Sweetie don't worry. Everything will be fine. They will love you just as we do."

Yeah sure. Oh goddess, I can't do this. I am fanning myself with my hands to cool myself down. I feel as if I am running a fever. Maybe I caught a cold. It is possible for us to gets colds. Even average animals can get colds. Now that the weather has turned cold and we are already getting snow, colds are inevitable.

I am sitting on Max's bed, trying to keep down my lunch. Shelly made chicken noodle soup, yet it did not settle my stomach. I can feel the soup playing havoc with my insides. Shelly brings a bag of crackers and one look sends me rushing to the bathroom.

Once the soup makes it reappearance, I flush the toilet and brush my teeth. I waltz back out to the bedroom to see three worried faces. I wave them off and plop back on the bed. "This sucks. Why am I so nervous?"

"Well babe, we are being introduced to the pack. This is a big step," Tess states, doing her best to sooth me.

"I guess. I couldn't sleep at all last night. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw myself falling flat on my face or embarrassing Max somehow." I sat up, reaching for her and Topher's hands. "I am so glad that it is you guys I am here with."

They wrapped their arms around me, squeezing the life out of me. "So are we babe. Hey, you will be fine. We all will."

Shelly looked on with pride in her eyes. "I am so proud of all three of you. I couldn't have picked better mates for my children." She then joined in on the group hug.

We were broken apart by the knock on the door. The door opened, and Bryan's head peeked in. "It is time to go." Breathe Cora. Breathe.

He led the four of us down the hall and down the stairs. We went out the back door of the house and crossed the open yard towards the main house. As we headed up the steps, my stomach started twisting and turning again. Oh goddess not now!

We then proceeded to the great hall where the whole pack was waiting. The great hall looked like the school's auditorium. High ceilings, glossy oak floors, and chairs lined up in hundreds of rows. In front was a large stage with a podium and chairs sitting on either side.

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