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"Talk to me about what?" Liam asks from behind me.

I snapped my body around to see Liam standing there holding his lunch tray, smiling down at me. I am certain the look of shock appeared on all of our faces. Not only because Liam caught the end of our conversation, but because he was not alone. Yes, the triplets were with him as well. Great Casper's Ghost. Could this day get any worse?

"Uh, nothing important. I can tell you later," I managed to croak out. Okay heart, you can start beating any time now.

"Are you sure?" he asks, searching my face for any signs of something important. Block all emotions. Block all thoughts.

"Yup," I responded nervously, popping the P. When he plopped down next to me, I looked at him dumbfounded. "What are you doing?"

"I thought I would have lunch with you today. Is that okay with you?" He sounded almost hurt.

"Of course," I stuttered out.

"I brought friends," he says, looking back at the triplets.

Of course, he did. I turned towards Tess mouthing, "Well sh-it."

Max sat across from Liam who was sitting next to me, while I was sitting next to Tess. Max was sitting next to Topher who was now sitting next to Tiny. Zeke ended up sitting on the other side of Tess. Isn't this cozy?

Liam handed me my salad which I thanked him for. Everyone started digging into their lunches. An awkward silence loomed over us for a while before someone thankfully broke the silence.

"How long have you known each other?" asks Max.

I look up from my salad, curious as to whom he was referring to. "Do you mean Liam and I or me and them?" I ask, pointing to Tess and Topher.

He shrugs his shoulders, replying, "Tess and Topher. Liam already told me how long he has known you."

My head slowly turns towards Liam. I have no expression, but I know for a fact, Liam can read me like a book. He cowers over his spaghetti and keeps his eyes out of my view. Yeah, you're in for it buddy. I put my focus back on Max, to reply to his question. "Since we were ten. Been best friends ever since."

Topher bless his little dumbass heart. I am guessing being so close to his crush has dummied his brain cells. "How long have you guys known each other?" I will take, What is the stupidest question ever asked about cousins for a hundred, Pat. Lord, have mercy on him please.

I literally spit my lettuce across the table, Liam choked on his spaghetti, the triplet's eyes popped out of their heads and rolled across the grassy quad, and Tess, you got to love her, she reached over the table and smacked him over his head.

"They're cousins you moronic twink! They have known each other their whole lives."

Poor Topher, he looked deflated by his stupidity. What I saw next, had me frowning, but in a good way. Tiny put his arm around Topher, bringing him closer to his side. He started giving him a noogie.

"You are too funny little man." I could see an instant change in Topher's face. His eyes lit up and that smile, oh what a smile. It nearly split his face in half. He was as happy as a lark. His crush had him in his arms. He was a happy little twink.

" the after party?" Liam broke me out of my happy thoughts.

I gave him a death glare. He knew better than that. Even if hell froze over and Tom Holland himself asked for my hand in marriage, I would not be caught dead at that after party.

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