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 Max was in his office at the main house finishing up his Valentine's Day surprise for Cora when a pain shot into stomach. He thought nothing of it at first until it struck him again. He grabbed at his stomach and hunched over causing Zeke to rush to his side.

"What's wrong Max?"

Max was struck with so much pain, he couldn't reply. He could only grunt and moan. Then came the screaming in Max's link. "Max! I need you!"

Max grabbed hold of Zeke's hand, causing him to wince. "It's Cora. Something is wrong."

The two rushed out of the pack house to Cora. When they went inside their house, they heard Cora screaming from the bedroom. She was on the bed, rolling from side to side, holding her stomach. Max rushed to her quickly, leaving Zeke at the door, freaking out.

"Cora! What's wrong?" Max asks.

"I'm in labor you idiot!" she snaps. Max's eyes widen.

"Are you sure? You aren't due yet." She glared at him with blackened eyes before growling. He jumped back at her reaction. "Okay, okay. Do you think you can stand?"

When she went to stand, her pants were quickly soaked and so was the floor. There was so much water, you could hear the splash as the water hit the floor. Max jumped back and Cora gasped.

Zeke, freaked out, and stutters out, "W-what is th-that?"

"Her water just broke!" shouts Max.

Another contraction hit Cora. She hunches over, grabbing onto to Max for stability. She grips onto his arms, digging her nails into him. He grinds his teeth to prevent himself from screaming out in pain himself.

Once the contraction was over, he sweeps her off her feet and starts to carry out of the bedroom. He quickly calls the doc elder to tell him Cora is labor, and they are on their way. He turns back to Zeke who is looking a little peaked and nauseous. "You might want to call Tess and tell her what's going on. I will notify everyone else."

Zeke nodded before his eyes had that blank expression on it. He snapped back after a few seconds. "She is leaving the café now. It will take her some time to get here though."

Cora let out another strangled scream, causing the men to stop in their tracks. "Get your ass moving or I will walk my damn self!" Cora shouted.

Max started walking faster. He didn't want to walk to fast for fear he may drop her. Not that she was heavy or anything, he was scared shitless right now. He quickly linked everyone else that she was labor and to meet at the pack hospital.

When they arrived, Liam was already there with Tiny and Topher. It would take a while for his parents and everyone else to arrive. The doc elder lead them to a labor room. Max gently laid Cora on the bed, and held her hand, not wanting to be too far away from her.

The doc came in with his white coat and blue cap on. "Alright Cora, how long have you feeling contractions?"

She looked at him with a small smile before looking up at the ceiling. She bit her lip before answering coyly. "About an hour or so."

"What?" Max shouted. Cora cowered into herself to avoid being yelled at. "Why didn't you call me sooner?"

"I thought it was the Braxton Hick's, like before. I have been having them for over a week." She whimpered.

Max frowned then ran his fingers through her now sweaty hair. "I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't have yelled. I didn't feel your pain until fifteen minutes ago as well. I didn't realize... I'm sorry." He finished with kissing her forehead.

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