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When Cora kissed me, my wolf howled with delight. I was jumping for joy. She just kissed me, me! Not my wolf. I reached up and touched my cheek. I donned a smile that could brighten the world. I swear my world just got knocked off its axis. I couldn't believe she kissed me.

As she studied my eyes, I could tell she noticed the familiarity in them. She has stared into these crystal blues countless times before. She knows them all too well. I also know, sooner or later she is going to figure out who I am. I just don't know how she will take the truth. How will she handle knowing that I am a werewolf? Better yet, how will she handle knowing the truth about herself?

She turned around and entered her house, but not before bidding me a good night. I sauntered to my car and drove home with my smile never leaving my face. Course, once home, my mind started reliving today's events. They started out happy then turned to aggravated then angry.

I was happy because my Aunt Karen set up the whole mock marriage to help me out with Cora. Aggravated at that stupid Cassady girl for attacking Cora the way she did. She really is a mental case. Angry at Mason for touching my mate and calling her names.

If he was the one who messed with her tire, he will pay. While I laid on my bed, calming myself down from the roller coaster of emotions, my father enters my room.

"Evening son. How was your day?" he asks, as he sits on the end of my bed.

I scoot up until my back is straight against the headboard. "It was fine. Anything you need dad?"

"No. I just wanted to check in with you. How are things going with your mate?"

I smile thinking back to the kiss she gave me not an hour ago. I subconsciously find my hand rubbing my cheek. "Good." I giggle. "She kissed me." His brows shot up to his hair line.

"Really? Wow, that's great. Things are moving along then?"

"Slowly but surely." I smile.

"I am happy for you son." He smiles in return. "Now, tell me about what happened at school." Huh?

"What do you mean?"

"Please, you don't think Karen wouldn't tell me. I know all about it."

"Fine," I grunt out. "What exactly did she tell you? So, I know what I am confessing to."

He laughs. "Hmm, let me ask this...why wasn't I invited to the wedding?" Well, damn!

I chuckle. "Aunt Karen set up a mock marriage for her class. Cora and I are married. Tiny and his mate are married. And Zeke and Cora's friend Tess are married."

"Are they mates?"

"No, but who knows. Maybe fate will play her hand and they will be."

"Hmm. Then this should be interesting to see. When are we going to meet Cora?"

"I don't know. I will talk to her tomorrow, okay? I don't want her to feel pressured. But in this mock marriage it does say we have to meet our respective partner's parents."

"Will you be meeting hers?" my father asks with a questioning brow. I lower my head with a frown. "What is it son?"

"Dad, both of her parents are..." I have to take a deep breath. It is hard to repeat something like this. He knows about her parents being killed.

"Are what son?" he asks, laying a hand on my leg for comfort.

"They both have passed on. But she has an uncle who takes care of her. I have met him," I reply hoping that I sounded truthful and played it off.

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