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After school I said goodbye to my friends. Liam and I hopped into my car and drove the four hours to my grandmother's. When we reached her cabin, she was already waiting on her porch for us. I got out of my car and ran into her arms. She quickly wrapped me in a warm embrace, swaying us back and forth. She smelled like the forest and apple pie. That was her scent for as long as I can remember.

She grabbed my cheeks and kissed my forehead. "Hello my darling child. You get more beautiful every time I see you." She says smiling.

"Oh Grams. You always say that." I blush.

She saw Liam coming up behind me and totally pushed me aside. How rude. She opened her arms for him when he too came rushing towards her. "Grandma Sue!" Liam shouted happily.

"Liam boy!" she cried back. She didn't have any grandsons, so she adopted him as her own.

"Look how handsome you are," she says, holding onto his shoulders. "So nice and strong," she utters while groping his arm muscles. Oh good lord.

"Grams, stop molesting my best friend will you." I laughed.

She turned and snapped back at me. "Hush you. Come on inside. I made pot roast for dinner." Liam's and my face lit up. Her pot roast is to die for. Literally.

While eating dinner, we talked about school, the clinic, and how things have been for her up here in the mountains. After dinner, Liam and I cleaned up. It was late, so we decided to head to bed. The four-hour trip was exhausting. By the time we ate and cleaned up, it was well after ten.

The next morning, I woke up to a mound of food. Who does my Grams think she is feeding, a football team? Pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, biscuits, sausage, and fruit. She also had made coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. Guess what I am chocolate baby.

"Morning sweetheart. Sleep well?" she asks, placing the last plate of food on the table.

I pull out my chair, yawning, and rubbing the last of the sleep from my eyes. "Yes. Thanks Grams. This all looks too good to eat."

"Not to me," Liam says, as he is piling the food high on a plate. Where does he put it? It must go to either his feet or his head. I would say both. He has a size thirteen shoe and a big ass head. Ha-ha! Shh, don't tell him I said that.

"Pig." I laugh.

By the time breakfast was done, I needed a nap. Now I know how animals feel after they have scarfed down food. I rubbed by tummy and let out a little burp. Stick a fork in me, I am done. I don't think I could even drink a sip of water I was so full.

"Can someone just roll me to the couch please?" I kiddingly begged. "I don't think I can move." I laughed which cause Liam and my grandmother to laugh.

"You are too funny child. Come on." My grandmother holds my hands, pulling me out of the chair. "Let me help you." She led me to the rocking chair where I plopped down with a umph.

"Thanks Grams. I am so stuffed. You are trying to fatten me up, aren't you?" I pouted.

"You are too thin Cora. You need some meat on those bones," she says, walking back into the kitchen. I look down at my swollen belly. No, I'm good. I turned on the tv and soon I was off in la-la land.

Two hours later, I woke up to laughing. At least someone is having fun. My grandmother and Liam were playing Scrabble. The thing is, she does not play regular Scrabble. She plays where you can make up words. And boy can she make up words. She will put words like agitate and attitude together. So, you get, Agitude. I never win.

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