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When I arrived at school, I searched for Cora, but it seemed that I couldn't find her anywhere. I knew she was here because I could smell her. I went to my class knowing I would see her second period. Sure enough, there she was. I noticed she had her head laying down on her desk looking extremely tired. Was she not sleeping? I know how she feels.

When a wolf finds their mate, time is of the essence. If we stay away from them for too long or do not connect with them soon, we can lose strength. At the same time, forcing the mating process on a mate can also be damaging. Plus, it is against the rules. Any forced mating does not work, and I can be stripped of my title and banished from my own pack. A mate must come to terms with the idea and accept their fated one on their own.

Personally, spending the time we did in the mountains, I had come to already care for her deeply. She was kind and funny. She talked to my wolf as if he were human. I already know so much about her but nothing at the same time. I knew she had a fascination with wolves, she hates pink but loves the color blue and is a horror buff. She never talked about her family though. I thought that was kind of strange.

Through the month that we spent time together, I fell in love with her not because of the bond, but because she was genuinely a good person. She made stupid jokes and I would laugh. Course it came out in growls or snorts, but nonetheless, I laughed. Colt loved it when she would rub his belly or scratch behind his ears.

One night, some rogues had come around and we were on guard. She of course had no clue. I was sitting on the porch of their cabin when she came out to watch the stars. I laid my head upon her lap and she quickly started petting my head. Colt was mewling like no tomorrow. She looked down, gazing into my eyes and I was hers right then and there. I was floored with her next words.

"Thank you, Midnight." She named me. Not that I was complaining. She liked me enough to do so. "You have made these past few weeks most memorable. I will always love you for that." Then she bent down and kissed my head. Both my wolf and I were going insane with happiness. My heart was pounding in my ears and my head was buzzing with delight. You could see the effect her words had on me in my wolf's eyes.

Cora even laughed, saying, "Gee Midnight. From the look of those gorgeous blue eyes, you would think you understood what I was saying."

She had no idea how much I understood. Course I didn't understand why she was telling me all this either. The next morning was when I discovered she was gone. That was also when the search for her began. Who knew she was living in my pack territory?

Back to what I was saying, if she is tired because of not sleeping, that is one thing. But if it is because of the mating, I may need to speed things up. When the boys walked in behind me, they slammed into me. I turned to them with a snarl and they coward back. Their eyes bounced from me to Cora. Their faces held a look of concern which mimicked mine.

"Whoa Max. She doesn't look so good," Zeke states.

"I know. But it could be for any reason," I try to explain. "Just go sit down."

We head to our seats and sure enough, she kept her down. As soon as I sat down, it seemed her tiredness went away as did mine. She started bouncing in her seat. Her friends could see the instant change. Her friend Topher, which I learned was his name, became shocked with her boost of energy. I became quite angry when he started interrogating her as to why she acting as if she was on something. She felt the same as well.

"Excuse me?" she snapped.

I could see his sudden embarrassment. Cora looked more upset than embarrassed. I let out a small growl at his accusations. Slowly they turned to look at me. My jaw was clenched, my chest was rising and falling breathing fast, only because I was holding my wolf back from ripping Topher apart for upsetting our mate, and I was boring holes into his head.

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