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They both lay panting and breathless. Sweat and bodily fluids dampen the sheets. Neither is talking nor moving. Max knows they should probably get up and take a shower to clean themselves off, but he is afraid to speak. He cannot believe that they just did that. That was the most amazing experience of his life. That was better than his first shift! Which he thought nothing could top. Man was he wrong.

Cora's thought isn't that far behind. She knew she wanted to test her limits, but holy cow! She just gave Max a hand job and he just fingered her and oh those fingers... He really knows how to work those fingers. She could still feel him touching her, inside her, and to be honest, she was missing it already.

As much as Max wanted to stay in the warmth of being wrapped around Cora, he knew they needed a shower. "Cora?"

"Hmm?" was all she could manage to croak out.

"Think we need a shower. We both are kind sticky." He chuckled.

She chuckled in returned. "You may need to carry me. I don't think I can walk." He raised a curious brow at her.

"Seriously?" He was concerned but more curious.

"Too tired." She laughed. "That was one hell of a workout." He rolled his eyes with a smile.

He grunts with a sigh. "You seriously want me to carry you?"

"Yes. Please!" She turns looking at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever seen.

How was he gonna say no to those eyes. He crawled out of his side of the bed, went around to her side, and lifted her up bridal style. They walked into the bathroom where he sat her down on the counter. He turned to the shower and turned it on waiting until the water was the right temperature.

He looks back at her waiting to see what she was going to do next. He walked up to her; spread her legs slightly so he was standing in between them. He grabbed the hem of her shirt slightly lifting it up, looking into her eyes. She nodded, raising her arms above her head. He lifted her shirt off, leaving her completely exposed to him. She recoiled into herself slightly out of embarrassment.

Max lifted her chin, looking into her eyes. He kissed her nose, then tells her, "No need to hide. You are beyond beautiful Cora. Never be embarrassed about your body. I love you just the way you are." She only nodded her head with a smile.

He then takes his shirt off and her eyes instantly went to the tattoo on his chest. As soon as her hands touch him, he hisses. Her hands were soft and a tad cold. Her hands are always on the cold side, so it was a bit off catching to him. Plus, she was touching him and that alone caught him off guard.

She starts to trace the tattoo with mesmerizing eyes. "When did you do this? What does it mean?"

"When I was sixteen. It was after my grandfather died." Cora's breath hitched. "It's okay. It is something that happens in the Were world. He died doing what he did best, fighting rogues. They were attacking a small pack a few towns away and he died from his injuries."

"I'm sorry. It must have been hard," she whispered.

"It was. He was like a second father to me. That is why the wolf above my heart is him and this one," he points to his right pec, "is me. See, we are both howling at the moon. It was something he loved to do to release stress. He says howling at the moon is equivalent to what humans do when they scream at the top of their lungs."

"It is beautiful and intrigant," she says, still tracing it delicately with her fingertips.

"One day, I will get one for you too. You are my mate, and I must represent you."

The Dormant MateWhere stories live. Discover now