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Now that Max was Alpha, he had to start doing what Alphas do. He had to go to the next pack over to check in. He needed to make sure that everything was going well and that their alliance was still strong. Sometimes when a new Alpha takes over, there can be a battle of wits or even a battle for title.

The rumors about me also seemed to be making their rounds. How it got out, not sure. My aunt more than likely, but whatever comes our way, we can handle it. Our pack was surely flabbergasted. They were more than willing to step up to the plate without question.

I was helping Max pack for his four-day trip. We haven't been apart for more than a day since we've met, so this is going to be a first. I admit I was sulking a bit. I wanted to go with him, but apparently as the new Luna, I had to prepare for the upcoming Thanksgiving dinner.

"But I have no clue about deer, or the other things wolves eat. Even my father refused to eat things we rehabilitated. We only ate turkey and ham."

He chuckles. "We have those too. Of course, we also have deer, rabbit, and squirrel, elk, fish--"

"Okay, so pretty much everything I tend to at the clinic and sanctuary? And you know I can't eat fish! You want me to die?"

He scratches his head in concern. "Right. Um, maybe we can ask mom to help with the dinner or tell one of the Omegas to do it."

I jumped off the bed, the clothes I was folding fall to the floor. "Hey! We are not using an Omega because they are lower on the totem pole. I thought they were equals in this pack?" I shouted in anger.

"Whoa," he says, his hands out in front of him. "They are. It's just...Omegas are more designed for this kind of thing. That is just the way it is. You give them an egg and they know how to make an omelet. You give an egg to a Warrior and all he sees is a weapon to throw at someone." He had a point.

I huff crossing my arms. "Fine. But we ask. We do not tell them to help. And they can only help with the crap you guys eats. I can handle the turkey, ham, and the rest of the fixings." He chuckles in response.

"Spoken like a true Alpha/Luna." I narrow my eyes at him and went back to packing his bags.

We were loading his car along with Zeke and Tiny's things. They too were going with him. Topher was bawling. Tess and I rolled our eyes at him.

"He will be back in a few days, you big baby," she mocked.

"Shut up!" he whined at her. Tiny hugged his mate close to his chest.

"You'll be okay, right?" I scoffed.

"Of course, Max. Unlike you, I still have to go to school. I will have plenty to keep me occupied. Besides, Tess and Topher will keep me company. And Liam is here if anything happens."

"I hate that we have to part so soon already."

"It's part of our jobs, right? Don't worry so much. You will get worry lines and ruin that gorgeous face of yours." I grin.

"Alright. Call me if you need anything and I will hurry back."

"You take care of yourself." I kiss him fiercely and hug him tightly causing him to growl in frustration.

"You're killing me." I laugh in response.

"If you don't, no sex for a week!" Tess yells from the other side of car. Max and I snap our heads over to Tess yelling at Zeke who has his head hung down.

"I will I promise," he whimpers in reply.

We each hug our mates before they get into the car. Max starts it up, gives a final wave, then pulls out of the drive and heads off. I turn to Tess to ask why she was threatening Zeke. "Oh that, I told him if he didn't come back in one piece then no sex."

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