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I knew the woods outlined the Ashford Estates. How to navigate them, was beyond me. Liam, rather Brody, had me ducking branches and jumping over rocks. We even ran by a stream that was exactly like the one I saw in my dreams. Freaky! I was able to keep up with him though.

We came up to a small hill and suddenly I was knocked down. I went tumbling down the other side and my head hit a giant rock. Man, that did not feel good. I heard growling and then shouting. As I lay on the ground holding my head, my ears heard the voices say something that shocked me to my core.

"Intruders! Rogues! Notify the Alpha immediately!" Rogue? They think I am a rogue.

As my head pounded from the impact with the rock and my vision going in and out, a familiar voice echoed in my head. "You idiot! Do I like a rogue?" Liam? He must be back in human form. His voice is different. "You are going to be in deep shit when Max finds out what you've done."

The next thing I remember, I was being picked up from the ground and being carried to somewhere. The arms were strong, and I did not recognize the scent. I heard a door being opened then I was being laid upon something soft. A woman's voice suddenly rang in my head.

"Oh, sweet goddess. I will get a cloth for her head. The poor girl."

My head buzzed with so many voices and emotions, I couldn't sort them out. Worry, anger, dread, love, and joy. Who the hell would have joy in a time like this? I kept trying to open my eyes, but it was as if they were heavy with sleep.

I felt someone pick up my hand and kiss the back of it. Then the coldness of a cloth was laid on my forehead. Voices once again buzzed around my head along with the emotions. Trying to sort them out while being unconscious is hard.

"She'll be alright," a woman says calmly.

"She better," the man says, almost crying.

The room had become calm and I was finally able to think. "Alright Cora, it's time to wake up. Since when are you a wimp? You had all this energy earlier, time to use it to get your ass moving again."

That is what I did, I willed myself to wake up. First, I started moving my toes, my legs, then moved my way up to my eyes. When I finally opened them, maybe I should have stayed asleep.

"Cora," Max gasped. Oh no. I have been passed out on his couch.

"Hey," was all I mustered at that second.

"Are you alright?" he asks, squeezing my hand while he sat next to me on the floor.

"Uh, yeah I think so," I croaked out. "Can I get some water? My throat is a little scratchy."

"Of course, dear," replied a woman. I tilted my head towards her, but all I saw was her back, as she exited towards the kitchen.

I slowly sat up with Max's help of course. I held the back of my head, groaning a little because of the pain. "How did I get here?"

"You tripped and fell down a hill," replied Max. Bull cocky I did.

The woman came back with a glass of water. She was beautiful. Kind of short with long auburn/brown hair, reddish lips, and kind eyes. She looked like one of those old fashion tv show moms with an upgrade. "Here you go dear. Drink it slow."

"Thank you." I took a few sips and placed the glass on the table. I looked at Max with a knowing expression. "You are full of shit. I didn't trip. I was knocked down by some asshole." He gulps while looking scared. I hear a man off in the distance chuckle.

"You remember?"

"Uh yeah," I said sarcastically. "I was knocked unconscious, not stupid. How did I get here, as in on this couch?" My hand slapped the couch, as I asked the question.

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