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We headed out to the giant yard of the ranch. I don't think you could call it a yard; it was more like a giant field. The grass was soft and green. There were a few tables set up in the back of the house. I wondered exactly how many people would be showing up to this little bar-b-q. I thought it would be just us. Guess not.

The smells coming from the pit salivated my senses. My tummy rumbled while my mouth watered. The amount of smoke coming from it, you would think something was on fire. Hopefully, nobody calls the fire department.

I could smell, chicken, pork, fish, hamburgers, and a few other things I wasn't sure of. I am not sure exactly what werewolves eat. I know deer, rabbit, and squirrel, beyond that I am clueless.

Before we walked out of the house, Mr. Ashford told me to call him Bryan. He said it was wrong to call him Mr. Ashford or Alpha considering I was going to be his daughter. I guess I sort of understood. I was calling Shelly, Shelly. Plus, I am not exactly a member of the pack, yet. Or a member of any pack for that matter. So, I agreed.

As I walked around the house, I finally took notice of it. It was made of grey stone and brick, two stories, arched entry way, and with curved windows galore. The inside was impressive was well. Open floor plan, kitchen right out of something you would see on tv, beautiful marble fireplace, tv that took up the whole wall, a chandelier made of crystal, and gorgeous cedar floors. I didn't go upstairs but I could tell that the stairs split into two directions once you reached halfway up. Which leads me to believe that the house has to have different wings. Probably the parent's side and then Max's side.

The main house, wow! You could fit the whole town in that thing. It did not look like a house. It was more of a hotel if you ask me. I am guessing it had four maybe five floors, the same stone and brick as the Alpha house, and windows for days. There was a stone staircase that led to the entry way which had a giant arch with tall pillars on each side. I cannot imagine what the inside will look like. I knew they were rich, but not Beverly Hills rich!

The ranch was surrounded by the woods, protection I am assuming. The trees were round and immensely tall. The grass was cut almost to perfection and around each house had a perfected garden with different types of flowers blooming. The colors were vibrant and quite stunning. As I moved along, I started noticing the other homes, they were smaller. They were further from the main house and the Alpha house. Guessing this is where the rest of the pack lived. Don't get me wrong, they were not any less extravagant. They made my house look like a slum. And it was far from it.

As we stood around waiting for Bryan to finish with the grilling, more people started showing up. To say my anxiety kicked in was an understatement. I had to shut my brain down because my head became one big chatter box. From what Bryan told me, the people coming were the heads of his pack. His Beta (Zeke's dad, Bryan's brother), Delta (Tiny's dad, Bryan's other brother), the Sentinel, Hunter, Scout, Guardian (Liam's dad), and the head Warrior. His best friend would be there as well and a few others along with their families. Great!

I was standing next to Bryan and Max when a gentleman and his family came over. He bowed his head and waited for Bryan to speak. His loyalty was written all over his face.

"Afternoon Harris. I wanted to introduce you to someone. This is Cora. Cora this is the Richardson family. Cora is a friend of the boys from school," Bryan explained.

They looked me over head to toe with a smile. I smiled in return. "Pleasure to meet you Cora." Harris reaches his hand out to shake mine.

"Pleasure is all mine sir." I shake his hand noticing they were callused, and rough. Must be some sort of builder or someone who uses his hands a lot.

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