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The resolve to hear this so-called aunt out, snapped. She sent that rogue to kill me? What a bitch! Her pursuit to kill me only ended up with my mother and Liam's mother being killed. Yet she sits here as if it is no big deal! I wonder how she would feel if her life hung in the balance. Well, she is going to find out because blood is on her hands just as much as those rogues who did the actual killing.

Dayton was as angry as I was. I quickly shifted and growled at this woman standing before us. I saw the slight fear in her eyes and relished in it. I stalked towards her with caution in every step. She made no point in moving away or shifting either. I watched her hands because I did not know if she had weapons hidden anywhere on her body.

I was within killing distance and I snapped and growled at the woman who just rolled her eyes. She raised her hand and blew into it. I saw speckles of silver flying into the air, landing in my eyes. It burned as if someone threw a match in my eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to get rid of the burning.

When I open them, my vision was blurry. Great! What did she throw at me? I blinked repeatedly to clear my sight, but nothing was working. I could her snicker before me. "Silver Kaia. Burns doesn't it?"

"Keep calm Cora. Concentrate and let your senses guide you. You don't need your eyes to see her," Dayton buzzed in my head.

"What are you saying? How can see without my eyes?"

"You can see without them. Focus."

I sighed and did as he said. When I reopened my eyes, sure enough, I saw clear as day. I saw beyond her, saw beyond Liam and Uncle Slater. I turned towards Max and the gang that was waiting. Hiding behind both sets of people were rogues. Not many, but enough. I smirked.

I linked every single one of them. "Rogues behind you."

Max and his group quickly turned as did Liam and Uncle Slater. The fight was on and we would not be the losers, again. In an instant, I jumped on her. No sooner that I did, she shifted. We were twisting and flip flopping on the ground. Dirt and twigs matting into our fur. The echoes of growls and fighting shook the woods. I knew the rest of my family were in a fight for their lives as well.

Belinda had me pinned down between a rock and fallen tree trunk. She was snapping at my snout with her sharp teeth. Seriously? I thought we were wolves not snapping turtles. I got my back legs under her belly and focused my energy to force her off me. She went flying into a tree with a yelp.

She got up, shaking her head. Yeah bitch! I got skills you didn't know I had. She looked shocked by what happened. I knew she was contemplating on running but I was not about to let her get away. I charged at her again, focusing my eyes on her and t-boned her in the side. She again, flopped down on the ground with a loud yelp.

She was having problems getting up. Her strength leaving her quickly. I shifted back and stood over with a glare. "Give up?"

She shook her head and glared up at me. She then lunged at me and I caught her by the throat. I focused all my energy into my hand and squeezed her neck, ultimately snapping her neck. Her body went limp and I dropped it with a thud to the ground.

I stepped back in shock. Holy shit! I killed someone. Like, actually killed someone. I stared at my hand in shock. Yes, I know it was either her or me. Yes, she killed my mother and tried to kill me repeatedly, but I took the life another. I have never thought about taking another life.

Is this what it is like to kill? Watching their life leave their eyes? Watching their last breath escape them? All the while not caring? How can people do this? This isn't something I would want to do again.

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