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I know my baby is obsessed with the Alpha's son, but honestly, I cannot stand the kid. He is so much like his father. They both wouldn't know how to run a proper pack if it hit them in the snout. Yes, the pack is feared, but not the way it should be. We should be controlling more than what we are. We could be taking over the smaller packs and kicking out the weaker links. I do not understand why we treat these measly omegas as if they are our equals. They are nothing but thorns in our side.

I know Leah will not be Max's fated mate, but she has been in love with that stupid boy since she was a child, and I will do anything for my baby girl. If he is what she wants, then he is what she will get. Now, I just must get that stupid girl out of the way which shouldn't be too hard. I mean, she is just a human.

What the stupid leaders of this pack don't know is I have killed humans before just for fun. They got in my way and pissed me off. I am a warrior wolf, so it is in my nature. Do I feel guilty for going against what this pack stands for? That would mean I have a conscience, and I don't.

I met up with a few others who are tired of this pack, to devise a plan. We will get rid of that brat who ridiculed my sweet little angel. She goes to school with Max so all we have to do is follow her and find out where she lives. Simple enough. As I said before, taking out a human will be as easy as taking down a deer in the woods.

"When do you want to do this?" Grant asks me. He is another one of our guards.

"The sooner the better," I grunted. "Start following her tomorrow after school. Once we know where she lives, we take her out."

"You got it boss. What about Max? What if he is with her?"

"No worries. He has pack business to attend to. He will be too busy to deal with her."

"Perfect. I will start tracking her tomorrow then," Grant stated.

"Good. Now everyone, get out of here before they start getting suspicious."


We made it back to my house in one piece. Today did not go the way I had planned. I found out a lot about my family's history but at the same point, I am still clueless on somethings. The doc elder didn't touch on the fact that I could absorb energy, course I didn't mention it either but either way, controlling energy is something that has been long dealt with within my bloodline.

Exactly why didn't I know that I had a wolf even if he was sleeping? Was he the reason I was never sick as a child? Why did I suddenly have an appendicitis? How did I know Max was my mate? Was it because of my wolf was waking up? Ugh!

While Max gathered snacks and drinks from the kitchen, I took a much-needed shower to relax my tensed muscles and clear my mind. When I came out of the bathroom, he was setting the tray of snacks on the bed and drinks on the side tables. He looked so yummy in just a pair of plain red sleep shorts and white t-shirt.

The shorts just slightly above his knees and I could see he had a few scars. I could only imagine where they came from. His legs were nicely tanned, and he had the perfect hairy legs. I have seen some guys from at PE and good goddess, you would think they were a yeti!

The shirt was snug enough that every time he moved; his muscles struggled against the fabric for room to breathe. I did not have to wonder what it would be like to be wrapped in those arms; I have been there. Let me tell you, it has been bliss!

I am so glad he does not care what I wear. Considering I am wearing a black wife beater and last year's gym shorts to bed. And of course, my hair is put up into a messy bun. I am going to bed, why the hell should I do my hair? It is going to get messed up anyway.

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