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Cora being gone this weekend, gives me time to reflect on things. I mean so much has happened already. First off, Cora is the child of the legend. Second, I am the Alpha she is fated to mate with. Third, she has powers. Nowhere in the legend did it ever say she would have powers. Fourth, she can kick some ass! I saw what she did to that rogue Reese. I need to remind myself to never piss her off.

The first time I experienced her wolf ability was at lunch. She somehow read my mind. I knew she had some abilities, but mind linking? I was shocked to point of muteness. I stared at her flabbergasted.

When Liam ripped her away from the table, Tiny continued to gaze at me with the same expression I held. "Did she seriously just hear you?" he links me.

"She must have. How else would she have known what I said?"

"You are in serious trouble Max." Tiny snorts a laugh. I respond with a laugh of my own.

With all my searching of the library on the legend, I came up empty. Even though our pack was one of the few entrusted to learn of the legend, how did we not have much more than what was told? Rogues knew because of those who turned against the pack sworn to protect her.

When I found out that Cora was leaving to her grandmother's, I felt a pang in my chest. Worry flooded me like I never felt before. She would be too far away from me if something were to happen. I know I snapped at Liam, but I was upset. That moment also confirmed that Cora and I somehow became mind linked. Was it because we had kissed? Was it because we have become close? Or was it because maybe she finally accepted our fate? I did not know but I did not care either. Although, it was kind of weird having her in my head.

When she called me, I had told her I loved her not even thinking about it. My mouth had a mind of its own. I couldn't blame her for not saying it back. I am sure I probably stunned her. Hell, I stunned myself. I know she feels the same or at least close to it. The bond tells me as much. She will tell me when she is ready.

Knowing she is up in the mountains; I remembered the first time I saw her, those incredible brown eyes, the first time I saw her in class, and the look on her face when she showed me around her clinic. Her face lit up brighter than the sun. It showed her passion and her joy for her job.

My mind then wondered to when we first kissed on her porch. I was on cloud twenty. Screw cloud nine. That was too damn low. At first, I was too shocked to do anything. Once her lips crashed onto mine, I wasn't sure if it was happening or if I was imagining it. When I realized it was reality, I came back to earth and reacted.

She was addicting. Her scent was intoxicating. My little soldier was growing behind my zipper and it was becoming uncomfortable. Thankfully, she broke the kiss because I didn't know if I could control myself much longer.

I will never forget that first kiss in my life. The other time we kissed like that was after Reese broke into her house. Mainly we give each other pecks, but I am not complaining in the least. Hey, I even got to hold her while we slept. I guess in some ways I should thank Reese. It brought us closer.

I cannot wait until she comes home. I miss her so much already and it has only been two days since I have seen her. I wish she were able to here for lunch with my family, but I understand she is at her grandmother's. I don't want to get in the way of her family time.

I woke on Monday feeling dreadful. I do my normal morning routine of showering, dressing, brushing my teeth, and then heading downstairs for breakfast. Mom doesn't usually do

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