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I smile while chuckling. "Max, you already know." His eyes widen while he gulps.

You may be asking why the sudden the change in my demeanor or attitude towards Max. Well, let's just say, dreams can put things into perspective.

I was lying beside the same stream in previous dreams, but something was different.

My feet were swaying in the water when a magnificent bright blue glowing light appeared. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, a beautiful woman in a bright blue flowy dress stood. She had long brown hair mixed with blonde that was dancing in the wind. Her eyes were a shocking ocean blue, and her lips were as red as an apple.

"Do not fear me child," she spoke softly. "I am not here to hurt you."

"Wha-what do you want?" I stuttered.

"I am here to help you," she explains.

"Help me with what?" I ask confused.

"Remember your stories. For they hold the truth. The truth about who you are. The truth about your black wolf. He is the same as whom you desire. Do not deny your heart the happiness it deserves. For with it comes a happy life and a strong love." She smiles.

"I don't understand. How can they be the same person?"

"Look into their eyes my dear child. All will be revealed," she states. "All be revealed," she says once again, as her voice fades and she too faded away.

When I woke up, I knew somehow, someway, my dreams were telling me I had to give in to my feelings for Max. The more time I spent with him, the more I felt this pull towards him. There were many things honestly that led me to explore these feelings.

The way he comforted me when someone sabotaged my tire was, spine tingling. Being wrapped in his arms, and telling me it was going to be okay, and knowing he would be there if I needed him.

I was surprised to see him pick me up that morning. I found it sweet and enduring. We were getting along, getting to know each other. I was even falling for Zeke and Tiny. Not in that way, but they were great guys who made me laugh and we had fun riding to school together. Of course, Mason had to go and ruin everything with his possessiveness. But Max was right there to put him in his place once again. I had to show Mason I was not playing around.

I heard someone mention during first period, that Mason was planning on jumping one of the Ashford triplets in the bathroom. I knew who they were talking about. I honestly wasn't worried. I knew Max could take care of himself. I had seen it happen twice already. When he walked into second period without a scratch, my suspicions were correct. I could hear the gasps and the whispers.

"He's walking? How is that possible?"

"Maybe Mason chickened out."

"He wouldn't do that. Plus, it was four to one. How is he untouched?"

Because he is Max. Untouchable. Course, Cassawitch is still drooling over him. I guess being humiliated does not falter her. It does not matter; Max is mine and she sucks. Literally. You don't even have to pay her. Just get her drunk. That is beside the point. Moving on.

When Max asked me about my favorite animal. I wanted to laugh. He knew this. Why was he playing dumb? Hey, you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer.

When he didn't reply, I went back to the work packet. The bell rung, so I shoved my things into my bag and walked out leaving him sitting there. I waited for him in science and he finally showed up. We didn't get a chance to talk because we had a substitute today and he was a dick. He was the kind of teacher who made you want to ditch class.

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