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I worked the day after the party, so I didn't get the info on the party from Tess. Come Sunday morning while eating breakfast, someone decided to pound on my front door. I had an inkling who it was. When I opened the door, standing on my porch was none other than the gossip queen. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, she had on blue cotton shorts, a white t-shirt, and sandals. She was rocking on her heels with a smile on her face.

"Morning Tess." I smiled, holding the door open for her to enter.

"Morning. Whatcha up to?" She makes her way into the house.

I close the door, heading back to the kitchen to finish my eggs and bacon. I sit down at the bar motioning her to take a seat next to me. "What's it look like?" I continued stuffing my face with a piece of bacon.

She giggles. "I mean, what are you doing today? Have any plans?"

"No. Why, you have any?"

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could go to Slippery Rock. Enjoy the last few days of warmth." I bob my head thinking about it. It does sound like a good idea.

"Sure, why not. Let me finish eating first."

"Of course. Topher will meet us there. He had to run his parents to airport."


"Remember, my uncle had to go out of town on business, again! Never ask me the gist of things regarding his business. I don't pay attention." Poor Topher. Left alone again.

"Right. Sorry I forgot. I have so much on my mind. Will he be staying with you then?"

"Ugh," she grunts. "Yes. Annoying little shit." She laughs causing me to laugh as well.

I finished eating and headed for the shower. Since I knew we were going to Slippery Rock, I decided I would wear a sundress to throw over my bathing suit.

We hopped into Tess's Jeep Wrangler. I forgot I quit driving with her for a reason. Dear Lord, please don't let me die today. I have my whole life ahead of me. I want to get married someday and have kids. I prayed silently.

No sooner we got into her Jeep, she slammed on the gas pedal forcing me into the back seat. I was in the front seat buckled in! Every time she weaved through traffic; my head would hit the window. We were coming to a red light and I swore we were going to end up in the guy's trunk. She slammed on the brakes so hard, my head hit the dashboard. I scowled at her as I rubbed my forehead.

I am sure she broke her horn when she slammed on it yelling at the other cars on the road. "Learn how to drive assholes! Speed limit is forty-five idiots!" Yet she is doing sixty.

She turned one corner (going at least forty) which had me grabbing for the 'Oh Shit!' handle. She missed the person walking in the crosswalk by a mere inch. "Did you not see the person walking?" I ask, holding my heart, making sure it was still in my chest.

"They shouldn't have been there. I had the right of way. My light was green," she casually replies.

Did she not know that when a green light for straight means that a person can walk straight as well? She was turning right, not going straight. Technically, he had the right of way. You always wait for a pedestrian to cross before turning.

I was so thankful when she finally to pulled up to the dirt lot at Slippery Rock. I got out of the Jeep and I kid you not, my legs were jiggly. I had to brace myself with the Jeep to walk. Tess opened the back of her Jeep and we gathered out things. She grabbed two giant inner tubes for us to float on.

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