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"What do you want to see first?" I asked once we walked inside the clinic.

"This is your domain, give me the grand tour."

"Alright then. Well, this is the lobby and the front desk where the clients check in. Pretty simple. Come back this way where the exam rooms are."

I walk into one of the rooms. This is where you will find a tall metal table, a sink, a few chairs, and cupboards with supplies. There is another door that leads to the main hospital area of the clinic.

"All the exam rooms look like this. Pretty basic. We go through this door to find where we hold on the all the animals in the kennels. This is where we do the surgeries, blood work, over there is where we do x-rays or ultrasounds."

He then went to look at the animals. Some of the dogs of course barked. That is a normal thing. They love attention.

"What do these cards mean?" he questions, pointing to the colored cards on the cage.

"Each card means something different. Red will mean a critical patient; green means minor and so forth."

"That is a cool idea."

"Thanks, it was mine actually. Back here in this room is where we keep the animals that gave birth." I led him to the room that had a dog that had puppies. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "She was having problems, so we had to do a cesarean. Turned out one of her babies was stuck in the birth canal. Luckily, we were able to save it."

"I have never seen anything so small before. They really are so adorable," he cooed. "I just want to eat it up." At the same time, he said that, the dog looked towards us and growled. He jumped back startled and I laughed.

"Gee, you would think she understood you." I continued to laugh. He nodded and added a laugh as well. "Come on, I will show you the sanctuary."

We headed outside and his whole face lit up once again. His eyes darted around the whole place. My dad and I designed it to be somewhat like a woodsy wonderland. The houses look right out of something from a fairy tale. Bright colors and not a basic shack. There are trees and flowers everywhere and waterfalls or little ponds throughout with fairy lights.

"Now this is amazing. I feel as if I am in a meadow from a fairy tale."

"That was the idea."

"What animals do you have here?"

"Right now, we have a baby deer, some squirrels, rabbits and a raccoon. We had a fox, but we let it go the other day. Come on." I grabbed his hand and we moved throughout the sanctuary. He was entranced with everything. I was thrilled that he liked it so much.

He saw the empty area to the far left, with a curious brow, he asks, "What is that area?"

"That is where we would house the wolves." Now he was really interested.

"Do you get many wolves?"

"No, but we do get them sadly. Mostly pups."

"Really?" he asks with a tilt of his head.

"Yes. We had a couple of babies just this winter. We had them for a couple of months and released them in the woods. We had a couple in late April early May which were an adult female with one baby. The female had an injured leg. After two weeks, I released her back into the woods along with her baby."

"Hmm. And you never had any problems with either set? Not even the mother?"

"No. In fact, the mother was very friendly. Course, I was the only one able to get near them. I talked to the mother, telling her I wasn't going to hurt her or her baby. I would brush her coat, bring her raw meat, and even played with her baby." His eyes widen hearing of this. "What?"

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