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After I calmed down from everything I had to absorb and from their teasing of mating with Max, we were sitting out on the porch relaxing. The night air had a slight chill, but it was nothing we couldn't handle. The moon was bright and shined through to light up the forest.

Off in the distance you could hear the owls hooting in their nests, the wind whistling in the leaves, and the sound I loved the most, wolves howling in the distance. It brought a smile to my face.

Suddenly, I wondered what Max was doing. I grabbed my phone from my pants pocket and pressed his contact number. The phone rang a couple of times before he picked up.

"Hello," his deep sultry voice rang out.

"Hi Max."

"Cora! How are you?" he asks with great excitement.

"Good. How are you?"

"I'm good. How is your visit going?"

"Great actually. Um, getting some things sorted out," I stated.

"That's a good thing, right?" he asks, unsure.

"Of course." Just then a howl echoed off in the distance. "Was that a wolf?"

"They are really talking tonight." I chuckled. "Must be the moon."

"You be careful. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

"Please, nothing is going to happen. I just wanted to call and check in. Sorry I didn't do it sooner."

"No worries. Call me anytime, okay? I love you," he casually says.

I was not expecting that. I was almost stunned speechless. "I know Max. I will call you later. Bye." I hung up without saying those three words back.

I had no idea what to say. I know I love Max, but I am still in shock. I need time to absorb this so-called destiny here. It isn't every day you find out you're some chosen child to save your bloodline from a curse and to fulfill a prophecy to give the world peace. Hello people! How do you think you would feel?

My grandmother's voice brought me back from inner turmoil. "Well sweetheart, I am going to bed. These old bones need their rest," my grandmother said, as she stood up from her rocking chair.

"Okay Grams. See you in the morning," I responded with a smile.

"Maybe you should head home tomorrow. Go home to that mate of yours." She smiled.

"Grams," I moaned. "Don't start in again."

"She is right Cor. The sooner the better," Liam added.

"Alright. Fine. I can't argue when it is two against one," I grumbled. She kissed my cheek before heading inside.

Liam stayed outside with me and I could tell his mind was closed off but why? "Liam, what else are you not telling me? Do not try and hide it. You know I can read you."

He sighed while slumping his shoulders into the seat next to me. "Do you remember anything from when we were younger? From when we first moved here?"

"That was so long-ago Li. You know I don't."

He turns to look at me with caring eyes. "Cora, you are so strong, and I am so blessed to have been your friend."

"Get on with it Liam." I growled.

He gulps before he speaks again. "Just over the hill is the Wolfs Crest Pack summer training camp. We started training with them. The Alpha got suspicious and we had to confirm who you were. He promised to help protect you."

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